Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pictures of Class evening out

Here are pics from Saturday night.(Click on the headline)

Summary of Class night out March 27th 2010

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to follow up with a short summary of the evening out last night. We all met at the Pleasant lounge and spent a enjoyable 3 hours together. Some of us enjoyed meals along with drinks. Never thought we would actually close a bar at our age, as the lounge closed at 9! A total of 18 of us made it for the first get-together in the off alumni season so to speak. We also had a call in from Dwain Hathaway who was about to go on stage in San Diego to sing for the first time in years thanks to a different doctor who has helped Dwain recover some of his voice. Good luck Dwain! We also thank the Pleasant for having us.

After the Pleasant closed, a group of us continued on to the Imperial Buffet to take in the scene there as the evening was still young. I think we put the younger generation to shame in that place with the spirit and energy we showed! A special request was put in to the DJ to play our these song from last year "Pinball Wizard" which got almost all of us on the floor. We all still have moves I think! It was a fitting end to a good evening out. I spent part of the evening doing handbag and drink holding duties while the gals hit the floor......;-) (Standing room only there) Yeah, I got out once or twice too....!

A few things to remind everyone of. In 4 short, and I mean short years, we will be having our 40th. A recurring idea which has been floating out there for some time in past reunions is the idea of combining our evening activities after the parade along with finally having our Junior Prom. Obviously it would be a slightly watered down and less expensive version of the prom, without limos, tuxs, etc, but would include all the fun of a prom.

We would like to put this idea out there and get it out there early so we can snag the Center early for the festivities if this idea takes on a life. We are also looking to get an exemption so we can get our night going early. With any luck, the rules of the alumni traditions may even be different then! We have willing entertainers and DJs already among our class to ready to jump in and make the music. At the very least, it will add a theme and something more to look forward to for everyone.

A 2nd thing, just a reminder for everyone, please, please, please make sure to pay your class dues to we can make something special happen for the 40th and possibly use class funds to do things in between years. I know times are tough for some of us, but If you can spare more than the $10 class dues by adding in another $5, $10, $20 or more, it would really help the class funds build up quickly. You should all be getting cards soon with the dues request, please take a minute to send out your dues as soon as possible.

Last but not least, the Dubes, Melissa and Gary have again graciously offered the use of their land to hold a class BBQ sometime this summer. This will include entertainment as well. More details will be forthcoming as I get them, so keep your eye out for more emails.

Thanks again to all who attended last night, it was special to see you all in a different setting. Hope to see you all again and more of you this coming summer!


Monday, March 08, 2010

Class Evening out

Good evening everyone,

I am writing to update you on the results of the idea of an evening meet-up at a local restaurant during this month. As of today, only 11 responses have been received back. A few sent their regrets they would not be able to attend, even though they dearly wanted to.

From the confirmed interest responses I did get, the 27th was the favored date and the Pleasant Restaurant was the favored venue. Would it work for everyone interested if you still want to go ahead with this, that we just plan to meet at the Pleasant restaurant on Saturday the 27th from say between 6-9pm??

Anyone that hasn't made up their minds about this one way or another, but decides to come at the last minute, I would encourage them to feel free to show up. I am sure the Pleasant could accommodate all of us. Whatever numbers we get, it's a start. Let me know if this is good with all of you who are interested, after all, this is your evening out...;-)

