Meeting Summary:
Hi Everyone,
Meeting 7 was attended by 6 hardy souls with a surprise appearance direct from Hollywood by Garth!...
We discussed the following.
T-Shirts..it was decided due to the unknown final count or persons on the float, expense of printing, and sizing, it will be easier for all who will be on the float to just tie dye their own T-shirts. The colors ideally should be blue and white with no logos or printing. Other colors are ok if you already have one in your possession...which probably includes everyone..!
We also worked over a plan for signage for the float. Garth has agreed to donate a roll of poster paper 5 feet in width and hundreds of feet long. Anne will check her Brother? (hope I got that right Anne) Ray and see if any other options exist for signage at his place of business. It was also agreed to limit the number of persons being used as props on the float, We agreed an Elton John, and hopefully an Anne Margaret if a suitable redhead can be found. Red wigs anyone?
Anita has volunteered to be our "Elton John" ...This we gotta see.....! What the heck, our class always marched to a different drummer, so a female Elton John we shall have! We know she will do a great impersonation! The pinball machine will remain to be the main focus of the float.
We have the preliminary plan A to build the float at the Dubes. But in the event of rain, we have a option B being worked on by Anne to possibly get the Old Dean Hill Motors to do the build in. Another option was discussed until it was determined the place in mind has been turned into a ice cream parlor.......the conversation momentarily then turned into lustful thoughts for ice cream being bandied about...
The float build probably should be started no later than early afternoon on Friday, so some of us are going to have to skip work that day! I would like to suggest that everyone who can be there to show up around noon or so. If anyone thinks this is too early or too late based on your experience with float building, please let me know! This is a first time for me. We will try to make sure the pinball machine is built so it can be put together quickly.
John and I will bring up all the materials for the sound, scaffolding and pinball machine in the morning to be parked at the Dubes and ready to install. It was also asked if we could get beverages to be provided for refreshments during or after the build. l will inquire with Charlene if class funds can be used for this purpose. John and myself will also be up sometime in mid-late May to check out the actual or a similar trailer and take measurements. We will coordinate with Melissa and Norm Webb on making this arrangement.
The meeting concluded in record time at 8pm. The next meeting will be held on March 31st to give everyone a breather before the stretch run,
I have included the results of the survey below. As of today this is what we have for a head count for each of the activities. With spouses or friends added, we are probably looking at 30 plus committed altogether for most every event. I am sure we will see these numbers increase as we get closer to the weekend.
Survey Results
Friday float build at Melissa's-18
Saturday parade on the float-21
The Pleasant Pre -banquet cocktails-17
Banquet Dinner-12
After Banquet dinner party-16
Bringing a spouse or friend?-16
Last but not least....has anyone seen what they have done with the Pleasant Restaurant? It appears they have added a porch/patio on their 2nd floor overlooking Pleasant Street. Looks pretty nice!!

May you all have a great St Patrick's Day and see you all in 3 weeks here.