Sunday, August 26, 2012

You are Invited!

It's a class of 74 get together at Loon Lake Campground, Croydon, NH

Date: Sept 9

Time: Noon until dark  

Directions: Just get on Reeds Mill Pond Road which is right across from Sturm Ruger on Rt 103 Newport. Stay on it until you reach the campground. You can't miss it! You will need to sign in at the office to get the code to open the gate as it is a private campground. (If this changes, I will let you all know) but this is the procedure we had the last time.  

From beautiful Loon Lake Campground, Jim and Lori Roy have again agreed to be our gracious hosts (because they love our company)  They will provide the meats/grill and maybe Jim can be convinced again to take up chef duties!  Everyone else, please bring your favorite side dish or sodas, or whatever you can contribute. We know we have some fantastic special dish makers here! If you wish to have adult beverages please BYOB.  We also hope to hold lawn games to foster the competitive juices. Rope golf, volleyball, bocci anyone? Jim, think the volleyball net will still be up on the beach? If sitting and relaxing and catching up is your style, that's fine too. There's a little something for everyone. Stay for a bit or stay for the afternoon,we will love to see you. 

We have held a class gathering here the past 2 summers during or right after the SHS reunion and have really enjoyed the setting and company. If you haven't been able to join us in the past due to summer commitments, this is your chance to see everyone in a nice relaxed and beautiful setting.  We hope to see as many of you as we can. Feel free to bring spouses or a friend. All are welcome.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

It's been awhile since I posted here as it has been a quiet year to date. Today we headed up to Sunapee Harbor to take in Carey Rush and a bunch of "old guys"..! 

Great day up in Sunapee Harbor, Carey, the weather came through and so did you! Your solo act on that 12 string is something I could sit to and appreciate for hours. The band of those "old" guys again make us appreciate the days of our youth growing up with such great music in the valley. It was plain to see you had fun today and so did we. For the classmates who were there, we appreciate you putting this on and hope we can catch you again next summer!

Link to the pictures is below. Also posted to my FB page,
