Sunday, October 13, 2013

Class Meeting report: Pleasant Restaurant 10/12/13

A total of 14 of us were present including friends and spouses. Thank you ALL for coming. It was a nice time and productive and we all want to thank the Pleasant for having us. Charlene, Debbie, Wes, Jill, Sandy, Melissa and Kim, wonderful job in keeping things moving and the ideas coming. Well done. I have to comment, Charlene and Melissa both brought their class scrapbooks; and what a treasure they are. I was able to spend a few minutes looking at some of the things in them, the memories they bring back.We really need to scan these into our class page. I hope to look at them more extensively in the future. I can't thank you ladies enough for saving all these things. I wish I had been as diligent. I imagine there are other classmates out there who may have done the same. Hopefully see get closer to our 40th we will see more memories being brought out.

Float theme will be the Claremont Drive-In

This a first version concept of the float
. We will be utilizing a low trailer with a large white screen up front with a darkened background. In the middle, we will have a classic 60s-70s vehicle on the trailer hopefully a ragtop. A speaker and pole will be next to the vehicle, 4 people will be in the vehicle and two will be sitting in the open trunk. Yes, sneaking into the drive-in via the trunk, classic! We don't know who will be the driver in this vehicle, but maybe somebody famous??? If not a lucky classmate will. Behind the vehicle will be a a snack shack "Boccia's Snacks?, and a popcorn machine. We possibly could include a ticket booth if anyone can remember what it looked like. We are also looking to have a projection system and a movie playing. If anything, we will have sound playing in one form or another. A number of classmates could be around the popcorn machine and snack bar. At the rear of the trailer will be a sign Claremont Drive-in. We are hoping we will be successful in getting the original sign from the Drive in for this. If not, we will build a replica. There was something also mentioned about a cardinal costume on the trailer, but not sure about it!

To finish off our entry, we are hoping to be able to get the local antique cars club to allow us to ride in their vehicles behind the float trailer as a line of cars waiting to get into the drive-in. Thank you Wes for that idea! The owners of the vehicles will drive their vehicles releasing us from liability. Each vehicle will also have as many of us in them as we are allowed to fit in. Possible float theme signage could be "Going to the drive-in" or "Friday night at the drive in" ????? Depending on the availability of the vehicles, the other option is for us to walk behind the trailer or find others with older vehicles we can ride in. The red and black theme must be in use anywhere we can do so. A Cardinal has to be included somewhere on the float. We are also looking at T-Shirts for wear during the parade.

Alumni Banquet:

We must be represented at the alumni banquet as the 40 year class. Debbie and Melissa are taking the lead on this. We should plan to make a donation to the general fund or a scholarship as it has been awhile since we have done this. I know many of us are not thrilled with the dinner and ceremonies, bur since our after banquet event is going to be held in town this year, this is doable with plenty of time left in the evening to have our fun. We ask everyone make an attempt to attend. We'll just make our stay there as brief as possible.

After Banquet event - The PROM

We have reserved a floor above Simply Comfort on Pleasant St. It was felt we should keep the event in town to make it more attractive for people who live in town and have not come to a reunion before and less time spent traveling and more on having a fun evening.and a safer night for all. It was also much easier on the class budget leaving us more money to do other things. We are hoping we will be getting the 3rd floor which has 2 stages so our entertainment can be placed. However, there is the possibility we may be placed on the 2nd floor if we don't have a good turnout as there is another class also booked using one of the floors, so we need to get a great turnout for this to better our changes for the top floor. The ownership has promised us they will do everything to help us make it a special night. They can also cater any food we desire to have. Be forewarned, they do not have a bar setup, so at this point it appears to be a BYOB

We are also looking to get press coverage for this since we are finally having our Prom after 41 years! Other ideas are in the works as far as decorating, pre-prom events etc. We can make this a gala which blows Claremont's mind or keep it lo-key, what do you want to do? ;-) We are also going to charge for admission to this event, and use this money to pay for prom expenses and handle any unexpected expenses and if anything is left over, will be used to build the class bank account back up. We want to do this 1st class and do it right.

At the moment, entertainment options will be plentiful as we have many resources to draw on from a DJ to live entertainment through our classmates who are many in the music and entertainment business. Perhaps even Carey, Dwain, Kyle and Bryce can sing a few tunes. And maybe Garth can show us a little of his comedy side! Just some ideas to toss out there. Yes we have a lot of talent in this class.

The price of tickets is still being worked out. but we are looking at $25-$50 a couple. This is not definite as far as pricing and is a work in progress. Dress for the prom is planned to be formal, but with allowances for those who don't want to go the whole formal prom route. (Jill!) This will be ironed out as we go. We could also consider swag bags for all Prom attendees, a little parting gift to complete a memory of what is hoped to be a great day...;-)
Simply Comfort

Inline image 1

We are going to do something really fun in the spring to raise extra funds and give us another excuse to get together! On May 24th, from 8-2pm we will hold a class rummage sale at Jim Roy's internment home in the large parking lot behind the building. Perfect opportunity to get rid of anything you no longer want around. Jim and Lori have volunteered to be the stewards of this event. You can also drop off your things if you are unable to stay for the day. Just call Jim at 504-5167 to make the arrangements as they have storage space. As we get closer to the day which will be here before you all know it, more details will be put out.

Float committee:
A float committee was formed and will be meeting in January of 2014, the date is the 17th from 6pm to whenever at the Pleasant Restaurant...they love us there! The snow date will be Jan 24th same time same station. We want to emphasize however, everyone is welcome to attend. The more the merrier, by then I am sure we will all be going a little stir crazy anyways...;-)

Reunion Missions

The following is a list of things to be done and who has volunteered to take them on to date, some things are not taken, so if you want to help, please step up! I am recording this list partially from memory, so bear with me and correct me if I skipped anyone, misappointed, or forgot anything.

Claremont Drive in sign - Debbie
Antique vehicle request for parade - Wes
Tractor and trailer - Gary, will contact Mr Jewell
Mailing to class announcing events and other information - Charlene
Budget and spending - Charlene - Deb and Melissa
Popcorn machine -Wes
Snack bar build - TBD
Float car speakers and pole - Melissa
Prom decorations, events, entertainment, and press - TBD
Memorial Banner update - Anne (yes you got volunteered!)
T-Shirts - TBD
Cardinal costume - Charlene
Class scrapbooks - Charlene and Melissa

Hoping everyone has a nice Sunday and see you all in January and online! I have also posted this on FB.