Monday, April 28, 2014

Class Garage Sale Report

Dear class,

It gives me great pleasure to convey to everyone the results of the garage sale this past weekend. Your class netted $1500 dollars which will be going into the class treasury from sales and more $$$ may be coming as the remaining stuff is being combined with another yard sale for next weekend on Maple Ave. I am copying and pasting below the lovely note from Sandy which sums everything up so beautifully! Sandy, maybe you should be doing the class write ups!..;-) This is also posted on the class Facebook page. A BIG thank you from all of us to Sandy for organizing this and pulling this off and a BIG thank you to Jim Roy and his wife Lori for the use of their property and garage  to hold our event in. Needless to say, this is one of the most successful if not the most successful and well run money raising event ever by this class. I am personally impressed by the enthusiasm and hard work by everyone who participated. We probably ought to look at doing one of these every year! Have a happy Monday everyone! Please read Sandy's note below, she says it beautifully!

From Sandy Lefebvre

CLASS OF '74! I don't even know how to express the gratitude and good feelings I have about the fundraiser this weekend. I am amazed by how we all pulled together and made it a success even when "Mother Nature" did not cooperate. Yes, we raised a good amount of money (tallies in soon), which we will be sending to Charlene to keep in our fund ... takes a lot of pressure off as far as float and class reunion. So many "thank yous" to extend. First, of course, to Jim Roy who hosted the whole show and was there changing cords and moving things around when we were blowing fuses, who went to the store and bought 10+ bags of ice so I could keep my food "happy", and who took time from his 58th birthday today to sell goods and raise money. He is the bomb! And his lovely wife, Lori. She donated a beautiful necklace from Pearce Jewelers and she was there to help in any way she could. She is one of the most lovely women I've ever known, and I am blessed to call her "FRIEND." What a wonderful couple they are. And Melissa, ever steady, tagging all those items and collecting cash ... someone asking me, "What's the price on this?" And me yelling, "Hey, Just ask Melissa!!" Then, of course, Sue MacLaughlin, wiping the floors dry of rain and being the "bean Counter" and doing whatever was needed, she is amazing. Beyond that, thank you so much to the ones who showed up today ... Sue Doody, Christine Currier, Alan Roz, Jim Hanson (and wife, she is lovely), David Messier ... and special mention, Linda (Janelle) Simmons because she is letting us bring all the remainders of the yard sale (and there is still a lot) to her home so that we can set up another yard sale in two weeks on Maple Ave. So we are still not done raising money! Gotta go, am tired, but HAPPY ... thank you, everyone!


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Class yard sale update

Evening everyone,

Hoping you are enjoying your week. The weekend is approaching quickly for the yard sale and a few messages from Sandy to pass on to those who are coming. We are looking like we may be coming up short on tables and chairs. If you can bring a table and a chair or two along with your stuff it would be greatly appreciated. Every bit helps. She also wants to remind all to remember to bring something as a baked good as we want to make sure we have a good selection. Remember everything we make goes back into the class treasury minus any expenses. Looking forward to seeing all this Saturday! Pray for a decent day!


Sunday, April 20, 2014

The SHS stage is gone, along with most of the seating. So many memories lost. Supposedly a new one will rise. This still happened in spite of promises by the school board to the alumni association and concerned citizens that it would be preserved. Not even a piece of stage wood was preserved, all tossed into the dumpster. Only 26 chairs were salvaged. 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Reunion Meeting April 12th

We had 20 lively attendees at a well attended meeting Saturday night. Thank you all for coming. The meeting had a lot of good discussion. The following topics were covered.

Yardsale and raffle-Sandy
Report from Wes-trailer, and float signage
Party decorations-Rachel, Jill
Class Funds and mailing-Charlene

Attending were:

Melissa Dube
Deb Demorest
Bryce Chicoine
Rachel Fluette + Michael
Jill Curtis
Chris Foisy
Linda Bly
Garth Bacon
Sandy Lefebvre
Sharlene Thibault
Charlene Hayes
Phil Winans
Karen Chabot
Wes Boardman
Sue Michaud
Jim Roy and Lori

Yard Sale and raffle Apr 26-27 8-2 PM:

Sandy is requesting if you have something super neat you are putting in the yard sale to please let her know about it. She would like to list things into the ad to create additional incentive for yard sale buyers. Again you can call Sandy at 603-504-8858. Sandy is planning on placing the ads in the Eagle and E-ticker a week to several days before the yard sale, so we need to get any interesting items to be listed in to her sooner than later. Additionally, keep in mind we need baked goods to sell! If you haven't already signed up for what baked goods you are bringing, please plan to bring something whether personally made or store bought. Personally, I can't bake to save my life, so it will be something store bought!

Raffle tickets will be sold at the yard sale, so make sure to pick up a bunch to increase your chances of winning one of the 4 gift baskets. Baskets makers, If you have completed your basket, could one of you at least bring it by to the yard sale so it can be displayed where we are selling the tickets? Tickets will be 3 for a 1.00. Again if you want to bring your yard sale items by earlier in the week, call Jim Roy so he can help you put things in storage. Jim's Phone 603-504-5167. The weekend of the yard sale is coming up very quickly, so we all need to get moving on this!

Trailer and signage: 

Wes reported back to us on the trailer. I have attached a blueprint photo of the trailer we will utilizing this year. The trailer is all set, it will have 38 feet to work with which should give us sufficient room for the drive-in display. The volkswagon beetle is all set. We also have a backup vehicle for the trailer in the event the Beetle is not unavailable. The class 1974 Banner is done. It will be Black with white lettering and a cardinal in the middle, A large banner or sign commemorating Claremont's 25-th, will be 3x18" It is based on Claremont 250th design license plate. The grass and swingset for the float is all set.

It is planned that Jim, Wes, Frank and Gary will be starting on trailer construction planning on Thurs 12 noon as the trailer will be at Gary's house that day. The actual float build will take place on Friday at noon till finished. A cookout will be started at 5PM to keep us all energized. Wes is still researching on whether it will be feasible to build and fit a concession booth on the trailer. Wes is also asking if anyone can remember if the ticket booth had a flat or sloped roof. Jim Hanson will be towing the ticket booth and drive in sign will be attached somehow. Four cars are still planned for following the ticket booth.

The props for the car on the trailer will have speakers on poles and trays. Depending on how much room we will have on the float, some of us will be on the trailer, some of us will be in the cars or will be walking. We will have also a costume Cardinal with Sandy in the costume. Again thank you to Sue Mclaughlin for donating the monies for renting the costume! We sincerely hope for a nice day not too hot for Sandy's sake! ;-) Wes and Kim have spoked regarding what will be on the movie screen. She will be given free rein to paint whatever scene she feels will fit. We will trust her judgement on this! John Irish will still need to be contacted to provide sound for background music.

Party Decorating: 

Jill and Rachel will be handling all party decorating. Rachel is asking if anyone has long strands of small white Christmas tree lighting that we can borrow or donate. Contact Phil or Melissa if you do and they'll put you in touch or contact Rachel or Jill directly if you have the means to. We have at least 240 feet to be strung, so the more the better! We are planning for 70 attendees, and depending on actual ticket sales and commitments, we will adjust accordingly. Rachel will report back to us on the next meeting the actual costs for the decorating. We will try to work it so the decorators can get in early in the day or possibly during the week to decorate and setup.


We had a quick discussion on the entertainment, and confirmed Debbie's son Sean (I spelled it right Deb!) will be headlining and has the band in place and as of now everything is a go.

Class mailing and funding:

Charlene brought up the thought that we should include personal notes in the mailing to classmates we would like to see come to the reunion. The reaction was mixed to the idea. She will try to include some personal notes in her mailing and see what results we get. If anyone else is interested in letter writing to classmates you think would come with a little personal pursuasion, please contact Charlene.  

Charlene reports class dues are being received plus some extra. but with ticket sales, the yard sale, and raffle, we should make up the shortfalls due to the reunion expenditures expected. It is also clarified to a question regarding dues, the class dues are $10.00 each year. A very nice letter was received from Roberta Beauman along with a nice donation to the class funds. We thank you.

The next class meeting will be on May 10th same place, Odd Fellows block, 35 Pleasant St, rear entrance, 2nd floor, same time 6 PM.

See you all next time!


Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Meeting Meeting Meeting!

Dear Class, 

Quick note reminding you of this Saturday's (April 12th) meeting being held on the 2nd floor of Simply Comfort, 35 Pleasant St at 6pm. Please bring a snack if you want to munch and if you want cold drinks or adult beverages, you will have to bring your own. Remember to use the entrance in the back of the building, should be plenty of parking out back as well as on Pleasant St. 

We will be covering the upcoming yard sale, the raffle, and talking about ways of reaching out to classmates who have been hard to locate or hesitant to coming to a reunion. We also need to look at coordinating the communicating of all our upcoming events through the use of the local media, not just emails. 

Also hope to get an update on the trailer as to if the flatbed is the better way to go. Hope to also do a walk around of the party space on the 2nd floor and decide a theme and setup plan. Any other topics are more than welcome to be opened to discussion!   
See you all there,