Dear Class,
There is so much I could say and so many people to thank for the wonderful job done towards the success of this reunion weekend. All the meetings, all the fund raising, all the phone calls, all the paperwork, all the letters sent and received, all the deadlines, all the sleepless nights, all the people who opened up their homes as generous hosts, all the equipment hauled around, all the miscellaneous expenses paid without a word, all the personal time putting together the keys pieces of the float, all the decisions, and yes, even all the disagreements, all that culminated with the following results Saturday.
The Disnard Trophy awarded to class of 74 for our float, (Interestingly, the 14K gold trophy, was snatched from our hands after the parade, but replaced with a smaller version for display at the party) a $200 cash award as a float winner, the first scholarship donation presentation (to my knowledge) from this class ever at the alumni dinner giving back to the alumni association of 3 checks of $250 each to the following scholarships. Samuel Heller, McGoon-Paquette and Fredrick Carr. the best attended class party in decades. Lastly, I also heard from a VERY reliable source today, the judging float committee would have given us all 3 trophies if it were allowed! They loved our concept!
The list of people to thank is huge, but I will at least give it my best try! I know I will miss some, please forgive me and let me know so I can give the proper kudos to all.
Melissa Dube, - For taking the lead on the reunion planning, arranging the class meetings and arranging the place of our party, and keeping us from straying too far off the reservation! Also for working extensively at both yard sale fundraisers
Debbie Flaherty - For taking the lead with the meetings, interacting with the alumni association and introducing us to your son Sean the musician, and also for graciously donating the use of your property for the 2nd fundraising yard sale. I also know you did many other things behind the scenes.
Charlene Hayes - For processing, and designing the class mailings, the photobooth at the party which turned out to be quite popular, and the many other little jobs you do that don't get noticed. We know a lot of time went into your personal messages to people out there. We know the class records are in good and capable hands.
Sandy Lefebvre- For the class fundraising through 2 yard sales, I know this was a tremendous undertaking for you getting all the stuff sorted where it should be. Never mind cooking those delicious breakfasts and being anywhere we needed you. And also for coming up with that cool Jeopardy game at the party! And last but not least, for being daring enough to walk that whole parade in the Cardinal suit! I know you had to feel that heat!
Gary Dube, For the use of his property, tools and materials to build the float. And the tent to gather for our BBQ and socialize under!
Jim and Lori Roy, For the gracious use of your property for the first fundraising yard sale. Thank goodness for that garage!
Sue Mclauglin - For paying at her own expense, the rental for the Cardinal costume for the parade. And the many calls and writing she did to encourage people to come.
Karen Chabot- For the use of her Brothers VW Beetle for our 70s car at the drive in, perfect choice.
Ed Leskiewicz- For the use of his vintage truck for the parade, love that awesome orange!
Wes Boardman- The man with the connections, For the use of his Nova for the parade, arranging the trailer and driver and equipment to move the bug on and off the trailer. Also arranging for and getting our beautiful signs made. And for the use of all the authentic things from the drive in which made our float complete. There are many other things you did behind the scenes, but that would be another list!
Richard Bean - For building and donating the drive in sign and donating it free of charge to the class. Just beautiful workmanship.
John Irish- For his fine work as MC at the party. He kept things moving. And for donating his audio equipment for music at the float build and enabled our classmate musicians to perform. In spite of his many health challenges over this past winter, he gave us his all.
Karen Heller- For the use of the 2nd floor space of the Odd Fellow Block for our meetings. This was perfect and a much got done as a result.
Rachel Fluette and Jill Curtis - For taking the lead on decorating the party room, wonderful job organizing all the pieces to complete the transformation of the room. The room looked just simply amazing!
Sue Michaud - For hosting us for lunch at your beautiful home with the million dollar view! Yes, I like your idea, when we all get old, convert your house to a retirement home for us! Also for assisting with many things you did behind the scene.
Kim McClelland - For the stellar job on that mural used for the screen, I still don't see how you got it to fit on the top of your vehicle!
Ann Muriel, For keeping our memorial sign updated and well cared for.
Cindy Thompson, For the professional and FAST presentation of the class donations to the alumni scholarships. Loved your family stories at the table....;-)
The float builders, For everyone who got their hands dirty and muscles sore, amazing teamwork and handymanship on display.It was worth it, yes!
Mr. Jim Hanson! For building that beautiful ticket shack. I
know that had to take up many hours of your time. But look at the
result, even better than the original! And you looked like you had a
grand time towing it with your ATV on the streets of Claremont!
This list by no means complete, gives you a good idea of how many hands on deck it took to get this reunion done. I know I have missed people who did things behind the scenes, but let it be known they have our appreciation too.
You know what, I thought I would be glad this is over, but instead like many people, although tired, its a good feeling tired and I am inspired. No, there is nothing I can write that can possibly show my personal appreciation to all the great classmates and non-classmates alike, who I have come to know, who gave their time to create what happened here this past weekend
I am going leave you all with a entry posted on the Facebook page of Linda Janelle Simmons that is so uplifting and inspiring. She expresses her thoughts of someone attending and participating in the reunion for the first time, and her experience from this weekend. Simple and eloquent. These thoughts say it better than I ever could, what this class, the class of 1974 is all about.
With Linda's permission, I quote directly, enjoy.
Well -- in case you have not heard or did not go to the Alumni parade (or just don't live around these parts... lol) the Stevens High School Class of 1974 - 40th YEAR CLASS ..btw,,,WON THEIR FIRST PARADE FLOAT AWARD YESTERDAY!!!!! WHOOO HOOO!!! WHOOT! WHOOT! ...and I am proud to say... I played a part in helping paint and decorate ..etc...our awesome-est!!! float... EVER... DO YOU HEAR... E-V-E-R!!!... met some great classmates from yester -years..(did you notice I did not say old?) from near and far.... everyone who had a part in food prep for our get together, venue to build it on their property, supported, planned, met, complained, organized, micro managed... lol... etc.. just to get it done... a SUPER PAT ON THE BACK TO ALL.. I am not going to be so foolish to mention names.. cuz I surely would miss someone.. so I won't.. ya'll know who ya R!! Congrats!... (note: worth my achy bones, sleepless nights),.... AND WHAT A BEEEE AAUTIFULL DAY WE HAD TO SHOW OFF OUR STUFF!! CLASS OF "74" ROCKS ON!!
Pictures are online at this link below
40th Reunion Pictures
STEVENS HIGH SCHOOL - CLAREMONT, NH CLASS OF 1974 A blog dedicated to the 260 of us who passed through those hallowed halls of upper education at Stevens in the early 70s. Although 39 years have passed since we made our way out into the world, we still remain identified by those years we spent together in Stevens. Our hometown Claremont, has moved on with the times, but hints of the past remain for us to cherish.
Sunday, June 08, 2014
Monday, June 02, 2014
Final Class Reunion Planning Meeting May 31, 2014

Good morning classmates one and all!
Our final meeting was held at the ODD Fellows block and the class was very well represented. Attending were Melissa Dube, Deborah Flaherty, Sandra Lefebvre, Ed Leskiewicz, Frank Walker, Susan Michaud, John Irish, Cindi Guild, Charlene Hayes, Sharlene Thibault, Rachel Fluette, Chris Foisy, Philip Winans, Wes Boardman, Kim McClelland, Jim Hanson, Jill Curtis, Linda Bly, and Bryce Chicone. Spouses, + SO’s Amorn Winans, Glenn LaChance and Mike Williams were also in attendance.
Sandy turned over the remaining proceeds of $600
dollars from the 2nd yard sale. Thank you for coming up with this idea
and running with it Sandy! This is definitely a future method for
fundraising! The applause you received from everyone was well earned!
The trailer is all set and we have a backup trailer in the unlikely
event the first trailer has any problem.
The VW Bug will be used for the float. Karen Chabot’s
Brother will bring it by either Thur or Fri and arrangements have been made with local towing
to place it on the trailer and take it off after the parade.
Wes will pick up Sandy’s swing set later this week.
Kim brought the signs for placement around the float and they are beautifully done! Thank you Kim!
The screen portion will be finished in time for Friday.
Wes brought in the signs for the float made by our classmate Richard Bean. Also beautifully done. This is considered his donation at no cost to the class. We thank Richard for the wonderful work and for bringing them all in for the preview Wes! Look forward to seeing all these things on the float!
Wes will set up the Drive In snacks commercial YouTube video
playback to loop through speakers on the trailer. Thanks to Chris Foisy for
forwarding this neat soundtrack to our attention. John Irish will try to get a larger speaker
to use for this.
Sandy found the cost of candy would be quite high as it’s no
longer really “penny” candy, more like “nickel” candy! Rather than deplete the class
funds, it was suggested each person bring a bag of candy to hand out during the
parade. This was ok’d and will be the plan going forward.
If you are participating in the parade,
Float build is FRIDAY at Gary Dube’s residence. 15 Lynch Place. Go
over the railroad tracks at the Junction at the end of Maple Ave, and then turn
at the first street on the left. Signs will be posted
The BBQ will begin later in the afternoon during the float
build Friday. Everyone is requested to bring a side dish and your own drinks. Grill
and meats will be provided.
Music will be provided during the float build to keep us
And yes, my wife will be making and bringing spring rolls!
Sue Michaud (Doody) reminds everyone she will host a lunch
at her residence on 119 Cat Hole Rd after the parade for anyone who is interested.
Please try to give a heads up if you plan to attend so she can have some idea
how much food to provide.
After a discussion, it was voted to donate a sum of $250
each to the following scholarships. Fredrick Carr Scholarship, McGoon-Paquette
Living Scholarship and Samuel Heller Scholarship. We will have a decent representation at the class table for
the dinner. Charlene will cut checks for each of these donations for
presentation by Cindi Thompson.
Everything is ready supply wise for the party. Rachel and
Jill will begin work on decorating in the afternoon after the parade. The
lighting shortage appears to be over as more lights were donated although more
will be happily accepted. Melissa will arrange for a key to be available for
entry into the party entrance.
And yes John, we will have a good supply of bandages
next time….;-)
The photo booth will be set up by Charlene utilizing equipment
from her workplace. We will need a couple tables will be outside the party in
the lobby area. We still need a volunteer or 2 to man the tables and greet our
party arrivals! Charlene will have on hand made up IDs for classmates who have
paid already. Those classmates who pay at the door will have name cards written
if needed!
We want to emphasize…NOBODY will be turned away, although they will
still have to pay at the door. So those on the fence about coming, this
invitation is out there!
We still are getting mailings back and will probably get
more during this week. We will look into possibly having a book of the reunion
published from the photos submitted. Charlene is still working on the details
of this.Charlene would like to remind anyone who has receipts for expenses they incurred building or making something for the float, to get the receipts to her.
John Irish will MC our party. Anyone who has something they
would like John to mention or introduce during the party, please either contact
Phil, Melissa or Charlene or just respond to this email. Phil will get together
with John this week to go over MC duties. It will be all good. Knowing John, be
prepared for some outrageous entertainment…….;-)
Our music performer is all set and will be allowed in early
to set up. We need to make sure they have plenty of power outlets. Deborah will
manage this part.
Food will be provided by Simply Comfort. Water and coffee
will be provided by Sandy. Everyone is reminded to BYOD as there will be no bar.
Address is again, the ODD Fellows block 35 Pleasant St, above the Simply Comfort restaurant. Please remember to use the entrance in the rear where the 2 columns are and go to the 2nd floor either by elevator or stairs. You can park out in back or along Pleasant St, or park anywhere off Broad st. It is very easy walking distance from anywhere.
REMINDER, raffle tickets are still on sale!!
The doors will open
at 7pm for the party and the party will end at 12 midnight. We will need
volunteers to help breakdown afterwards.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone. We wish everyone
traveling safe travels. If you need assistance with anything, please let us
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