To summarize up this past weekend takes only one word, fabulous! Friday started with a bang with the building of the float at the Dubes. The weather started off looking like the day would be a washout, but miracles upon miracles, the clouds lifted just as work began in ernest and we were blessed with a nice early summer evening in which to put forth our efforts to build our creation. Work started in around 1pm, as the afternoon wore on more and more reinforcements arrived and the work pace accelerated.
As the evening progressed to dark, the full shape of the float took place and once the lighting effects were in place and turned on it, was really something to see. Too bad the parade didn't take place at night! Can you just imagine going down Pleasant street in our glowing Tommy T-shirts and the strobes reflecting off the Mylar with Pinball Wizard booming from the speakers? Whoa!
Anyone watching had to be impressed with the teamwork and workmanship that was done over the course of the 8 hours it took to put this together. From the sign making, electrical, sound, painting and woodworking, everything just went on in a organized way. Every problem that came up was fixed by the creative minds in our presence. A BBQ was also fired up consisting of burgers, hot dogs, and of course cold beer which were served to the starving masses to keep their energy up. At 9pm, we finished off and some of us less energetic types (like me!) retired for the day and others resumed a impromptu party. (don't know how you guys do it!)
On Saturday morning, the day dawned bright with just perfect conditions for a parade. Our float riders arrived in front of the Moose ready to attach last minute decorations. Our Elton John, Tommy, and our WOWZA Anne Margaret arrived dressed to the "T" for their parts. At 8:30 the float arrived right on schedule. We actually heard the float long before it arrived on Broad Street as Pinball Wizard could be heard from the far reaches of Summer Street
Upon arriving, everyone went right to work, a show of teamwork and hustle that would have made Bill Belichick of the Patriots proud to get the last minute decorations in place. I have video proof! Before the parade even got going, the float got a lot of positive reaction from passing traffic and even other floats. Seeing 80 year old men motioning for us to turn it up doing a little boogie was pretty cool! Who said old guys couldn't be hip! Even our Jr High teacher Mr Al Kaplinski stopped by to give his approval! (Does that guy ever age?) During the parade we saw alot of participation from all ages of onlookers rocking to our tunes. The spirit on the float was just there by the way the back of the trailer could be felt bouncing up and down in time to music.
After Parade Events
The Pleasant venue was great and a good start to the evening. First time ever in there for a lot of us. Great snacks were served and a excellent bar crew kept the drinks handy. About 50 attended this event which was well done by the Pleasant Restaurant. It provided a great option to catch up in a more social setting for those who could not make the later functions.The banquet was also well attended by our class. Mr MaGoon sure still knows how to lead a chorus! A lot of well deserving kids just starting out in life received scholarships....remember when we were those kids???
The final event of the night the Casa De Sol featured another great turnout and final round of visiting. We were treated to a exhibition of guitars and singing by our own inhouse entertainment duo of Dwain Hathaway and JIm Hill. Also Garth Bacon and Dwain teamed up for a doozy of a funny tune of which the title escapes me, but it sure was funny! Great job guys! John Irish kept the tunes coming and the dance floor was filled on more than one occasion. Anita and Brian blinded everyone at least once with the ever persistent picture taking!
I want to just say I had a ball in putting this together. Yeh there were some days I wondered if this would really work out, but my concerns were unfounded. But, I didn't do it alone and I had a lot of help along the way, so therefore let me say my sincerest thanks from the bottom of my heart to the following people.
John Irish...for the inspiration of "Tommy" and for providing a great sound system as a result of his expertise and staging for the float and after party. I don't know how you did that for a living that is not easy work heaving those pieces of equipment around. And for assisting me with putting together those 2 pinball machines. We sure had a lot fun doing that. The audio mix you did for the sound and pinball machines was just awesome.
The Dubes, Melissa and Gary...for the use of their beautiful slice of earth to put together the float and hosting the BBQs to keep us from keeling over from starvation! Also for Gary for his expert use of his nice tractor to lift all the heavy stuff onto and off the trailer. I am so jealous of your toy!! Beautiful place you have and wonderful hosts you are...One of these days, I need to talk to you about how you raise such nice looking raspberries!
The guys in the crew, Joe Andre. Mike Casella, Dwain Hathaway, Frank Walker, Paul Colfer, Gary for the muscle to lift those pinball machines onto the trailer and all the other things you did that needed doing. You all still got it!!
Tha gals in the crew, Anita, Barbara Agel, Sandy Brown, Melissa, Debbie Moody, and Debbie Demorest, for jumping in to paint those pinball machines, and the signage. I think next time we'll use brush paints for everything!!
Anita Delaney....Our artist in residence, for the absolutely super job on being Elton and being courageous enough to get into those shoes! You did Elton proud and then some! Sorry my fisherman's pants just didn't work....but glad that Wallyworld came through! For your wonderfully artistic letter making skills...however, never again....will we do a paint job like that using spray paint! Also, for putting up with the kidding from John and I about your height and the now famous drill joke! Oh....and I did NOT request "Short People"!! ..Last but not least, for taking all those pictures Sat night, hope to get them soon!
Brian Delaney....for pitching in everywhere, although not a member of our class, I propose we make him a honorary member!
Charlene Haynes....for keeping us on track with ways of the alumni rules and for seeing to it our class funds were wisely spent. I know it is not easy putting together a mailing and keeping track of the whereabouts for 200 plus people never mind the tags and photos. The "Class Binder" was a great idea and was well received by everyone. Hope to see a lot more added as the years go by. And yes......I will bring the balloons next time!!!!
Jim Hanson.....for those bean barrels and all the fine electrical work on the strobe lights, you were everywhere it seemed like. I wish I had your energy! Your "hair" raising experience of Tommy was well done!
Norm Webb....for providing your BIL and trailer for the float.You got everything in on time and on schedule. That was a big load off everyone's mind!! Please be our go guy for the trailer next time too ok?
Anne Hulse.....where do I start, from the t-shirts that glow in the dark to the signage for the memorial. Everyone really liked the shirts, they are classics I think! I know I will have to guard mine because everyone will want to wear it to see if it glows! I think we set a record in the number of emails back and forth getting everything worked out!! Please give Ray my regards for the very tasteful job done on the memorial.
Rachel Fluette...for our very own Anne Margaret. You picked a beautiful and stunning outfit, very becoming of the Anne! You should have worn it to the party minus the wig! I think you had that sexy wave down pat by the time we were done! You made the back of the float just perfect!
Barbara Agel...for the nice job on requisitioning Pleasant for the pre-banquet meet. I was plesantly (no pun) surprised at how nice it was in there. I would have loved to have gotten up to that balcony! And for keeping me in stitches with your stories of mowing lawns and bathrooms!! Glad we solved that "Gone to Pot" mystery!!!!
If I missed anyone, please forgive me, as I have tried to include all I can recall. I will be sending out a link to your emails sometime this week to pictures with more coming once I receive Anita's pictures. They will be posted online and in the class blog as well.
In a month (yep, I'm taking a break!) or so I will also start putting something out consistently to keep you all up to date on what is going on. The blog will be maintained as well.
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