Loon Lake 2011
On June 18th, we met at Loon Lake for the 2nd annual BBQ for the 74 class. We all started arriving at 2pm hmmmmm....*something to keep in mind for next time*! We were blessed with terrific weather for the majority of the day. A total of 13 of us made it this time around and what a nice day we had. The campground was MUCH busier than last year due to the nice conditions. Was it me, or does it seem everyone there has a golf cart? And Sandy, you didn't even get a ride in one this year! Loon Lake on the second time around, is just the nicest place. I think we can see why you love this place Jim!
Nobody went hungry as ample food was shared. From Jill's broccoli salad and cookies, Deb's own recipe of horse radish deviled eggs, Rachel's sour dough bread, and seafood salad, Sandy's, shrimp cocktail, my wife's Amorn's spring rolls, and last but not least, Laurie's infamous fruit bowl! And believe it or not, we did not even have to pry the bowl from Jill's hands this year...;-) We were spoiled well before Jim fired up the grill to put out the burgers, dogs, and chicken, well done Chef Jim! Melissa, I can't thank you enough for those delicious raspberries..Let me know when the new batch is ready this summer, we will help you get rid of them..;-)
A new game we call "rope golf" (officially called ladder golf) took a number of us by storm and what a competitive group we had out there. In the end however, the CHAMPS were Rachel and myself! Good job Rachel! In reality, I think the girls were better at this today than we guys right Mike? ;-)
This was as usual, a really chatty bunch and non-stop laughs and some serious talk as well. I think everytime I attend one these things, I learn something more about everyone. Makes me realize how much I have missed. I am also now convinced Melissa knows more about who's who and whats what in Claremont than anyone I know! She should start up the TMZ of Claremont! We did talk a little about how to work on making more classmates aware of what we are doing and some good thoughts were shared. (Jill don't forget to send me Steve's email) We will continue to work on this going forward. We also settled a debate on just many were in the class thanks to Melissa bringing the T-shirt from the 25th and when counted we numbered 260! Biggest class ever at SHS. Compared to the class sizes today, its a wonder they need that whole building still!
Can't leave this out. In the early part of the evening we were treated to a show by Mother Nature when a hailstorm screamed through. It was just amazing watching this roll across the lake towards us and then hitting. Equally amazing was how intense it was and then how quick it was gone. I think it made us all realize how we are insignificant to nature no matter what we build or do to change things. And yes, we got pictures!!
As the evening wore on, a bonfire put on by the campground was lit on the beach after some difficulty due to the soaking the wood got earlier. But put plenty of lighter fluid and tar oil on it and eventually it will burn! Quite a few people from the campground were in attendance. It seemed the beach was littered with golf carts. A strange sight indeed! Never did see the promised volleyball game under the lights.We watched from the hill for a bit and after awhile went across the street to Jim's camp where he had lit a fire and smores were roasted. I think Jim may have to give his dog a bath this morning, as mysteriously somehow he had acquired a layer of smores on him! No it wasn't me!
All in all a great day, Thank yous to Jim and Laurie again putting up with the likes of us.
We all really appreciated it! Also want to thank Laurie's son Zach, who provided us with tunes from the good old days and jumped right in hanging out with us. Much appreciated Zach, nice to meet you and thank you for your service to the Nation. Also want to welcome the other newbie Glen, Jill's guy for joining us. Nice to meet you and you play a mean game of rope golf!
It is one of the nice things about this class is how we make spouses, friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, etc of classmates feel like part of the class and that they feel like they can join right in with us. I know this sounds a little cliche' but that is just really nice, to see everyone get along, meet new people and enjoy each other's company.
Next up will be Carey's concert in Little Sunapee "Aerosmith" Harbor on Aug 14th from 1-3 pm. I will put something out as the date gets closer. Hoping we get another good turnout as this event was so enjoyable last year. There's just something about being next to the water, and listening to great music. I am very sure Carey is working hard to this year's show a nice time. Also, a date has been established for the final event at Sandy's house poolside Saturday Sept 10th. See you all later then, and make it a point to enjoy each and every day with the people you love this summer, they all seem to go by faster each time.
Also posted in the class blog and my FB
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