Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial day Weekend Notices and Reminders

Dear class,

As Memorial Weekend approaches, a couple reminders below. Hoping all of you enjoy your weekend and are getting excited,14 more days to go have fun time!

From Charlene:

Class of 1974....we are only a week away from the RSVP date for the class reunion party. The response has been slow so far; but THANK YOU to those who have returned their cards and blue papers! If you haven't....please do so soon! If you can't come....please do what you can with buying raffle tickets, paying dues and/or donation to the class. Please return the blue paper too! We want to be able to share what is happening with you. If you didn't receive anything....then we don't have a current address for you... let me know and we will get it right out! We hope to see you on June 6th and 7th!

From Wes: (Thanks for the tip and the story!)

As we approach people to invite to the reunion we need to consider that some have not kept in touch at all and may have forgotten many faces. So as we invite classmates, keep in the back of your mind to introduce ourselves, so they know who this is they are talking to and inviting them. Nothing worse than walking away from a conversation and not knowing for sure who that was you were talking to. Taking that extra step introducing yourself, you leave no doubt and they know and appreciate the effort you make in the person to person contact.

Final reminder:

Next and final meeting, May 31st  6pm, 2nd floor, Odd Fellows block. Hope to see many of you there for a final look at our priorities.

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