Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Summary-Meeting of Feb 24th

Hello all,

The 6th online meeting was held tonight with 12 attending. In between trying to keep the ladies from yakking, (sorry I spoiled your fun ladies!,) a good number of things were accomplished..

We are all set with the props we will be utilizing for the float, Jim Hansen has offered to look for blue rotating or strobe lights and a couple more 50 gallon barrels for the beans. The pinball machine will be built at Phil's place in Merrimack sometime in May. All of you are welcome to come down and hack away on it! On the Friday evening of the parade Melissa has volunteered her place for the class to put the final version of the float together.

Charlene stated the newsletter from the alumni association should be out soon and will hopefully have an updated list on who in the class is still missing. As of now, we have 197 current addresses for our classmates. It is unknown at the moment when the mailing announcing the class reunion events will be sent out. Charlene also will be taking care of the silver Mylar balloons. John, we need to know if they will be floating balloons or attached to the float??

The subject of t-shirts came up for the Tommy theme. It was decided Anita will work on this with assistance from Anne to come up with a cost and vendor to create the shirts. The specific style was determined to be light blue tie dye bleached with the the words 35th Reunion and "We Won't Be Fooled Again" on them. Anita will get back to us at the next meeting on the cost of this. Joe's suggestion of the words "See Me Feel Me" unfortunately were rejected as being just a "little" too risque' for the old town!

We also had a discussion class dues and the donations made thus far. A number of us as well as I, were under the impression the alumni dues and class dues were combined when in fact they are separate. It was also found after all these years our class dues have never really been set at a certain dollar amount. After a discussion, a vote was taken and $10 was the cost chosen for the class dues to be paid yearly from now on. This will be on top of the $10 alumni dues if you wish to continue to be a member of the alumni association and Charlene reminds us that $10 alumni due has to be paid before you can attend the dinner.

Someone asked a question about the $50 donations that were collected over the month of January and I want to clarify this. The goal of the $50 donations we sent over January was to build up the class funds as we were scraping the bottom of the barrel so to speak to cover anticipated reunion expenses such as materials, mailings, entertainment, etc.

From what I understand, the money in class funds are not really intended to subsidize the cost of class events and are usually used for class reunion expenses (see above) and for donations to alumni scholarships funds. I could however see if we ever grow the class funds enough, we could use the funds to subsidize or even pay in full for a class event in future years. We can talk about this more at this year's reunion. Without those donations we put in this year, our options would be severely limited if something unforeseen pops up between now and the reunion, and you can almost bet Mr Murphy is going to pop up somewhere!

I would like to suggest since the idea of the class dues for this year kind of came up in a untimely manner, that we work in the $10 class dues later in the year in a separate mailing using something such as a postcard. Thoughts??

So it will still be around $84 dollars a couple if you choose to attend all 3 events plus whatever additional you want to spend at the cash bar. Still all in all, a pretty good deal all around.

Keep in mind, nobody is under any obligation to attend all 3 class events. We went with 3 events so people have a choice of attending all 3 or just 1 or 2 depending on their budgets, schedules and type of events they like to attend. I hope this clarifies everything, if not please drop me a line.

I would be remiss if I didn't shill once again we need to keep growing the class funds. If $50 is not doable, send in what you can, every bit helps, seriously! If you have not had a opportunity to contribute, please.... take a few moments write out a check and send it in.

Thank you everyone that attended tonight, it was a great time and I apologize if it went longer than expected. I know the ladies didn't mind!....

Next meeting Tuesday, March 10th at 7pm...and yes SPRING will be almost here too! I will see you all next time.


PS.......seriously....$119 for a SHS yearbook on EBay????? way!

PSS...Reminder to all, try to take in the movie Tommy sometime in the next 2 weeks. They are on periodically on VH1 and the likes. You can also watch a lot of the scenes from the movie on YouTube, and Google videos.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Original Float design

Here is what the original design of the float entails. Click on the image to see a larger version of the image.

Minor staging change in float

Hi all,

John has made a small adjustment in the float design to accommodate the height restrictions for the float. Click on the image to see a larger version of the image.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Summary Feb 17th Meeting

Summary of meeting Feb 17th

We had 7 people attend tonight's meeting, thanks to all for your participation and a lively conversation!

The 3 venues are all set price wise. It appears we will have space set aside for us in each place.

4pm -6pm The Pleasant I understand from Barb will come in at around $7.00 dollars a person (Includes pre-dinner snacks)

6:30pm-8:30pm Banquet at the high school will come in at around $22.00 a person. Includes full course meal and dessert.

9:00pm-12:30am at the Casa De Sol will come in at $13.00 a person (includes Vt tax, gratuity and plenty of snacks-space fee was waived)

So we are looking at around $84.00 a couple if they wish to attend all 3 functions. It is possible this figure might change slightly between now and May, but I think we are pretty much in the ballpark. Nevertheless, still pretty good deal.

Cash bar will be available at the Pleasant and the Casa De Sol

Melissa will make up some nice posters to welcome our classmates at each venue, and someone will hopefully get ahold of some black and red balloons to include as well. We will probably also need someone to staff the entrances and hand out the visitor tags and register people as they arrive. This can be planned out in May.

The float was discussed and a drawing of the float is now available and will be included in this email as some people apparently did not receive it. I will also post the picture of the drawing on the class blog as well.

Melissa will take care of the following props for the float, drumset, guitars and desks. John will provide all sound and a barrel for the beans, plus all staging setup. Also a job well done on the drawing of the float. Anita is looking into ordering Silver Myler for the Ann Margaret mirror prop, Thank you greatly to all three of you for your help here.

We are going to be looking for the Ann Margaret ;-) Anyone dare to invite her??? Garth???????? how about those LA connections of yours! If not we have a possible plan "B" Ann Margaret...;-)

Lastly but not least, we all agreed we need to watch the movie "Tommy" next week to get a better idea what we are representing in our float! Some of us haven't seen it in a long time and some not at all. We should all try to at least watch it if we can.

Next meeting will be next Tuesday at 7PM to wrap up planning for the float. We also hope to hear from Charlene about the details regarding the mailing for the rest of the class and if any assistance is needed on finding people and putting out the invitation letter, etc. If anyone else has anything they want to bring to the table next week, please let me know and I'll include it in the agenda.

Till next week, best to you all.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Summary of Meeting Feb 3rd

The 4th reunion planning meeting was held tonight with 10 attending, heck even Garth was there! Thanks to all who attended!

The following was decided:

The Pleasant was the choice for the 4-6 before banquet function, Barb will get the final numbers and make the reservation.

The after banquet party choice is the Casa De Sol in Ascutney who are willing to make their facilities available from 9pm-12:30. That choice is pending on Phil working with Rachel to try to lower the cost as we do not need a lot of food having come from a banquet. So we will try to negotiate this down a little. John will be able to provide sound for background and possibly dancing. The music can provided by anyone who desires to bring in their favorites or John can provide that as well.

Phil and Barb will try to have final numbers for each venue by the end of next week.

The next online meeting will be held on Feb 17th at 7pm. Same time, same station.