Monday, March 24, 2014

Photo: Alan , Wes , Melissa & Frank


We had 11 attendees to Saturday night’s meeting held at Daddy's Pizza. Attending were Melissa, Sandy, Charlene, Jill, Christine, Roberta, Frank, Jim R., Alan, Wes and Phil. Thanks to all for coming! Thank you to Daddy’s Pizza for allowing us to have our meeting there. Order of business as follows.

Sandy will be taking the lead on the rummage sale to be held on April 26-27th. She will be setting up a couple grills and cooking burgers, hot dogs etc to sell to rummage sale customers to munch as they look for bargains. Sandy is also requesting those that plan to assist at the sale bring a packaged baked good to be also sold at the sale. She reminds everyone to get anything you want to sell to Jim during the week prior to the sale. If you do not plan to stay for the sale with your items, Sandy and Jim will price your items accordingly. If you are planning to stay, you are welcome to price your own items. 

This is your golden opportunity to clean out that garage or attic! Remember all proceeds go to the class funds. Raffle tickets will be available for sale at the sale was well. There is going to be some nice stuff raffled off, so buy some! The sale will start at 8am and end at 2pm both days. Sandy will be placing ads for the sale about a week prior in the Eagle Times and Claremont e-ticker. 

If you have any questions about participating, call Sandy at 603-504-8858 and she would be happy to answer them for you. Before you drop anything off, please call Jim so he can arrange to meet with you and open up the storage area for you. His number is 603-504-5167.

Charlene was briefed on what needs to be included in the class mailing going out in April. Charlene also expressed the need for people to update their addresses if they have moved recently or they will not get their invites. She also suggested on the subject of locating missing classmates, we work our way through the yearbook and utilize social media to its fullest to locate people. We can also reseach through friends friend lists as well. 

We have made a change in the ticket price to the party in order to make sure we recoup the cost of food and the room. It is still a reasonable cost, and any extra funds will be put back into the class treasury. The updated cost is $25 for a single person and $40 per couple. Food costs have gone up dramatically, and though we are looking for ways to contain it, we will still need to make sure we come out of this with money to spare. The base cost per head as quoted for the party is $17.50, so we are not going to be making a huge profit on this, but that isn't the goal here.. ;-)  

The doors will open for the party at 8:30. Entertainment will be provided by a live band headed by Debbie's son. The menu we are being offered is as follows. Ham, cream cheese ,pickle roll ups ~aision meatballs ~veggie platter ~ chicken salad ~ mediterranian ? not sure  ~Spinache artichoke dip ~cheese & crackers platter ~ hummus ~ chicken satay plus we have gluten free offerings. This will be a buffet style meal.

It is suggested you include your ticket money with your class dues when you respond to Charlene's mailing. Charlene will track all funds and ticket requests responses and report back to us on the expected attendance by the end of May. Charlene emphasized we need to get the funds coming in, so if you haven't cut your check yet, time is running short. 

Again the address to send your checks:

Checks should be made out to "Class of 1974" and mailed to care of Charlene Hayes Reynolds, PO Box 81, North Hartland, VT 05052,

Wes reported the Drive In sign is taken care of and ready. We had a short discussion on the trailer blueprint and he is going to look into getting a straight flatbed as the trailer we were looking at, does not appear to have the length (only 22ft) to hold all the things we need to have to create the drive in scene and allow for many riders. He has several sources to work with.and will get back to us by the next meeting as to the results of his research. He will also look into having a class of 74 sign made up for the float. (Wes, if you don’t have time, let me know and I’ll make it –Phil) We also will look into a sign on the float saying "Claremont 250th" We are also supposed to be getting several signs for the sides of the float saying coke, pepsi, popcorn, etc. I believe Kim is working that. The status on this is pending.

Instead of building, the movie screen will be a 12x12 blowup we can rent for about $75. Sandy will look into someone who can draw a movie scene on a white sheet for the screen since we will not be playing a live movie due to it being daylight it will not be visible. Roberta has offered use of her Brother's 71 pickup in the event we come up short on vehicles behind the float. (Thank you Roberta) We will have a total of 4 vehicles planned to be behind a vehicle towing the ticket booth behind the float. We are waiting to hear back from Jim Hanson on the ticket booth. All the other props for the trailer, swing set, projector, popcorn maker, and yellow volkswagon beetle are all set. We are looking at not having a concession stand on the trailer due to space limitations. John Irish will be requested to provide some background music for the float, but window shattering is not encouraged this year! ;-)

To date, only 4 people are committed to attending the alumni dinner. Anyone else is welcome to join us, we could use a few more people for the table so we are decently represented when Cindy presents the $500 donation to the association. 

Jill and Rachel will form up the core of the decorating committee. Charlene made it known she has a box of red and black decorations we can use and they will be utilized. The plan is to drop by Simply Comfort in the coming weeks to get an idea of the layout, and putting together some ideas for a theme and reporting back at the next meeting.

We have had a change in the party venue from the 3rd floor to the 2nd floor. The needed permits for completing construction on the 3rd floor are not going to done in time to complete the floor for events by June. Simply Comfort refunded some of our deposit and offered the 2nd floor to us which we accepted.

if I have this correct, a cardinal costume will be available for our use on the day of the parade and will be our SHS cardinal symbol for the float. The memorial banner is all updated and ready to go. Anne will get it to Phil or someone before the parade.

The float will be built at Gary Dube's on Friday June 6th from noon until complete. A GREAT BBQ will be held in the evening there as well. We are going to need ALL HANDS ON DECK. If you can be there for the whole day or part of the day, we need any and all help. The float will need be on Broad St by 8:30 as judging starts around 9.   

Everything is coming together nicely and this meeting was very productive. We are going to be accelerating the pace of meetings in the last 2 months leading up to the reunion. The next meeting is scheduled for April 12th at 6pm, on the 2nd floor of Simply Comfort. We have been told we can now meet on the 2nd floor at any time free of charge, so all future meetings will be held there unless otherwise noted. The atmosphere is also much quieter and more conducive to meetings. This meeting will focus on the yard sale and any unfinished business. With ANY luck, spring will be really here! 

See you all next time.  –Phil