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STEVENS HIGH SCHOOL - CLAREMONT, NH CLASS OF 1974 A blog dedicated to the 260 of us who passed through those hallowed halls of upper education at Stevens in the early 70s. Although 39 years have passed since we made our way out into the world, we still remain identified by those years we spent together in Stevens. Our hometown Claremont, has moved on with the times, but hints of the past remain for us to cherish.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Alumni Weekend Summary
To all my 74 classmates,
To summarize up this past weekend takes only one word, fabulous! Friday started with a bang with the building of the float at the Dubes. The weather started off looking like the day would be a washout, but miracles upon miracles, the clouds lifted just as work began in ernest and we were blessed with a nice early summer evening in which to put forth our efforts to build our creation. Work started in around 1pm, as the afternoon wore on more and more reinforcements arrived and the work pace accelerated.
As the evening progressed to dark, the full shape of the float took place and once the lighting effects were in place and turned on it, was really something to see. Too bad the parade didn't take place at night! Can you just imagine going down Pleasant street in our glowing Tommy T-shirts and the strobes reflecting off the Mylar with Pinball Wizard booming from the speakers? Whoa!
Anyone watching had to be impressed with the teamwork and workmanship that was done over the course of the 8 hours it took to put this together. From the sign making, electrical, sound, painting and woodworking, everything just went on in a organized way. Every problem that came up was fixed by the creative minds in our presence. A BBQ was also fired up consisting of burgers, hot dogs, and of course cold beer which were served to the starving masses to keep their energy up. At 9pm, we finished off and some of us less energetic types (like me!) retired for the day and others resumed a impromptu party. (don't know how you guys do it!)
On Saturday morning, the day dawned bright with just perfect conditions for a parade. Our float riders arrived in front of the Moose ready to attach last minute decorations. Our Elton John, Tommy, and our WOWZA Anne Margaret arrived dressed to the "T" for their parts. At 8:30 the float arrived right on schedule. We actually heard the float long before it arrived on Broad Street as Pinball Wizard could be heard from the far reaches of Summer Street
Upon arriving, everyone went right to work, a show of teamwork and hustle that would have made Bill Belichick of the Patriots proud to get the last minute decorations in place. I have video proof! Before the parade even got going, the float got a lot of positive reaction from passing traffic and even other floats. Seeing 80 year old men motioning for us to turn it up doing a little boogie was pretty cool! Who said old guys couldn't be hip! Even our Jr High teacher Mr Al Kaplinski stopped by to give his approval! (Does that guy ever age?) During the parade we saw alot of participation from all ages of onlookers rocking to our tunes. The spirit on the float was just there by the way the back of the trailer could be felt bouncing up and down in time to music.
After Parade Events
The Pleasant venue was great and a good start to the evening. First time ever in there for a lot of us. Great snacks were served and a excellent bar crew kept the drinks handy. About 50 attended this event which was well done by the Pleasant Restaurant. It provided a great option to catch up in a more social setting for those who could not make the later functions.The banquet was also well attended by our class. Mr MaGoon sure still knows how to lead a chorus! A lot of well deserving kids just starting out in life received scholarships....remember when we were those kids???
The final event of the night the Casa De Sol featured another great turnout and final round of visiting. We were treated to a exhibition of guitars and singing by our own inhouse entertainment duo of Dwain Hathaway and JIm Hill. Also Garth Bacon and Dwain teamed up for a doozy of a funny tune of which the title escapes me, but it sure was funny! Great job guys! John Irish kept the tunes coming and the dance floor was filled on more than one occasion. Anita and Brian blinded everyone at least once with the ever persistent picture taking!
I want to just say I had a ball in putting this together. Yeh there were some days I wondered if this would really work out, but my concerns were unfounded. But, I didn't do it alone and I had a lot of help along the way, so therefore let me say my sincerest thanks from the bottom of my heart to the following people.
John Irish...for the inspiration of "Tommy" and for providing a great sound system as a result of his expertise and staging for the float and after party. I don't know how you did that for a living that is not easy work heaving those pieces of equipment around. And for assisting me with putting together those 2 pinball machines. We sure had a lot fun doing that. The audio mix you did for the sound and pinball machines was just awesome.
The Dubes, Melissa and Gary...for the use of their beautiful slice of earth to put together the float and hosting the BBQs to keep us from keeling over from starvation! Also for Gary for his expert use of his nice tractor to lift all the heavy stuff onto and off the trailer. I am so jealous of your toy!! Beautiful place you have and wonderful hosts you are...One of these days, I need to talk to you about how you raise such nice looking raspberries!
The guys in the crew, Joe Andre. Mike Casella, Dwain Hathaway, Frank Walker, Paul Colfer, Gary for the muscle to lift those pinball machines onto the trailer and all the other things you did that needed doing. You all still got it!!
Tha gals in the crew, Anita, Barbara Agel, Sandy Brown, Melissa, Debbie Moody, and Debbie Demorest, for jumping in to paint those pinball machines, and the signage. I think next time we'll use brush paints for everything!!
Anita Delaney....Our artist in residence, for the absolutely super job on being Elton and being courageous enough to get into those shoes! You did Elton proud and then some! Sorry my fisherman's pants just didn't work....but glad that Wallyworld came through! For your wonderfully artistic letter making skills...however, never again....will we do a paint job like that using spray paint! Also, for putting up with the kidding from John and I about your height and the now famous drill joke! Oh....and I did NOT request "Short People"!! ..Last but not least, for taking all those pictures Sat night, hope to get them soon!
Brian Delaney....for pitching in everywhere, although not a member of our class, I propose we make him a honorary member!
Charlene Haynes....for keeping us on track with ways of the alumni rules and for seeing to it our class funds were wisely spent. I know it is not easy putting together a mailing and keeping track of the whereabouts for 200 plus people never mind the tags and photos. The "Class Binder" was a great idea and was well received by everyone. Hope to see a lot more added as the years go by. And yes......I will bring the balloons next time!!!!
Jim Hanson.....for those bean barrels and all the fine electrical work on the strobe lights, you were everywhere it seemed like. I wish I had your energy! Your "hair" raising experience of Tommy was well done!
Norm Webb....for providing your BIL and trailer for the float.You got everything in on time and on schedule. That was a big load off everyone's mind!! Please be our go guy for the trailer next time too ok?
Anne Hulse.....where do I start, from the t-shirts that glow in the dark to the signage for the memorial. Everyone really liked the shirts, they are classics I think! I know I will have to guard mine because everyone will want to wear it to see if it glows! I think we set a record in the number of emails back and forth getting everything worked out!! Please give Ray my regards for the very tasteful job done on the memorial.
Rachel Fluette...for our very own Anne Margaret. You picked a beautiful and stunning outfit, very becoming of the Anne! You should have worn it to the party minus the wig! I think you had that sexy wave down pat by the time we were done! You made the back of the float just perfect!
Barbara Agel...for the nice job on requisitioning Pleasant for the pre-banquet meet. I was plesantly (no pun) surprised at how nice it was in there. I would have loved to have gotten up to that balcony! And for keeping me in stitches with your stories of mowing lawns and bathrooms!! Glad we solved that "Gone to Pot" mystery!!!!
If I missed anyone, please forgive me, as I have tried to include all I can recall. I will be sending out a link to your emails sometime this week to pictures with more coming once I receive Anita's pictures. They will be posted online and in the class blog as well.
In a month (yep, I'm taking a break!) or so I will also start putting something out consistently to keep you all up to date on what is going on. The blog will be maintained as well.
To summarize up this past weekend takes only one word, fabulous! Friday started with a bang with the building of the float at the Dubes. The weather started off looking like the day would be a washout, but miracles upon miracles, the clouds lifted just as work began in ernest and we were blessed with a nice early summer evening in which to put forth our efforts to build our creation. Work started in around 1pm, as the afternoon wore on more and more reinforcements arrived and the work pace accelerated.
As the evening progressed to dark, the full shape of the float took place and once the lighting effects were in place and turned on it, was really something to see. Too bad the parade didn't take place at night! Can you just imagine going down Pleasant street in our glowing Tommy T-shirts and the strobes reflecting off the Mylar with Pinball Wizard booming from the speakers? Whoa!
Anyone watching had to be impressed with the teamwork and workmanship that was done over the course of the 8 hours it took to put this together. From the sign making, electrical, sound, painting and woodworking, everything just went on in a organized way. Every problem that came up was fixed by the creative minds in our presence. A BBQ was also fired up consisting of burgers, hot dogs, and of course cold beer which were served to the starving masses to keep their energy up. At 9pm, we finished off and some of us less energetic types (like me!) retired for the day and others resumed a impromptu party. (don't know how you guys do it!)
On Saturday morning, the day dawned bright with just perfect conditions for a parade. Our float riders arrived in front of the Moose ready to attach last minute decorations. Our Elton John, Tommy, and our WOWZA Anne Margaret arrived dressed to the "T" for their parts. At 8:30 the float arrived right on schedule. We actually heard the float long before it arrived on Broad Street as Pinball Wizard could be heard from the far reaches of Summer Street
Upon arriving, everyone went right to work, a show of teamwork and hustle that would have made Bill Belichick of the Patriots proud to get the last minute decorations in place. I have video proof! Before the parade even got going, the float got a lot of positive reaction from passing traffic and even other floats. Seeing 80 year old men motioning for us to turn it up doing a little boogie was pretty cool! Who said old guys couldn't be hip! Even our Jr High teacher Mr Al Kaplinski stopped by to give his approval! (Does that guy ever age?) During the parade we saw alot of participation from all ages of onlookers rocking to our tunes. The spirit on the float was just there by the way the back of the trailer could be felt bouncing up and down in time to music.
After Parade Events
The Pleasant venue was great and a good start to the evening. First time ever in there for a lot of us. Great snacks were served and a excellent bar crew kept the drinks handy. About 50 attended this event which was well done by the Pleasant Restaurant. It provided a great option to catch up in a more social setting for those who could not make the later functions.The banquet was also well attended by our class. Mr MaGoon sure still knows how to lead a chorus! A lot of well deserving kids just starting out in life received scholarships....remember when we were those kids???
The final event of the night the Casa De Sol featured another great turnout and final round of visiting. We were treated to a exhibition of guitars and singing by our own inhouse entertainment duo of Dwain Hathaway and JIm Hill. Also Garth Bacon and Dwain teamed up for a doozy of a funny tune of which the title escapes me, but it sure was funny! Great job guys! John Irish kept the tunes coming and the dance floor was filled on more than one occasion. Anita and Brian blinded everyone at least once with the ever persistent picture taking!
I want to just say I had a ball in putting this together. Yeh there were some days I wondered if this would really work out, but my concerns were unfounded. But, I didn't do it alone and I had a lot of help along the way, so therefore let me say my sincerest thanks from the bottom of my heart to the following people.
John Irish...for the inspiration of "Tommy" and for providing a great sound system as a result of his expertise and staging for the float and after party. I don't know how you did that for a living that is not easy work heaving those pieces of equipment around. And for assisting me with putting together those 2 pinball machines. We sure had a lot fun doing that. The audio mix you did for the sound and pinball machines was just awesome.
The Dubes, Melissa and Gary...for the use of their beautiful slice of earth to put together the float and hosting the BBQs to keep us from keeling over from starvation! Also for Gary for his expert use of his nice tractor to lift all the heavy stuff onto and off the trailer. I am so jealous of your toy!! Beautiful place you have and wonderful hosts you are...One of these days, I need to talk to you about how you raise such nice looking raspberries!
The guys in the crew, Joe Andre. Mike Casella, Dwain Hathaway, Frank Walker, Paul Colfer, Gary for the muscle to lift those pinball machines onto the trailer and all the other things you did that needed doing. You all still got it!!
Tha gals in the crew, Anita, Barbara Agel, Sandy Brown, Melissa, Debbie Moody, and Debbie Demorest, for jumping in to paint those pinball machines, and the signage. I think next time we'll use brush paints for everything!!
Anita Delaney....Our artist in residence, for the absolutely super job on being Elton and being courageous enough to get into those shoes! You did Elton proud and then some! Sorry my fisherman's pants just didn't work....but glad that Wallyworld came through! For your wonderfully artistic letter making skills...however, never again....will we do a paint job like that using spray paint! Also, for putting up with the kidding from John and I about your height and the now famous drill joke! Oh....and I did NOT request "Short People"!! ..Last but not least, for taking all those pictures Sat night, hope to get them soon!
Brian Delaney....for pitching in everywhere, although not a member of our class, I propose we make him a honorary member!
Charlene Haynes....for keeping us on track with ways of the alumni rules and for seeing to it our class funds were wisely spent. I know it is not easy putting together a mailing and keeping track of the whereabouts for 200 plus people never mind the tags and photos. The "Class Binder" was a great idea and was well received by everyone. Hope to see a lot more added as the years go by. And yes......I will bring the balloons next time!!!!
Jim Hanson.....for those bean barrels and all the fine electrical work on the strobe lights, you were everywhere it seemed like. I wish I had your energy! Your "hair" raising experience of Tommy was well done!
Norm Webb....for providing your BIL and trailer for the float.You got everything in on time and on schedule. That was a big load off everyone's mind!! Please be our go guy for the trailer next time too ok?
Anne Hulse.....where do I start, from the t-shirts that glow in the dark to the signage for the memorial. Everyone really liked the shirts, they are classics I think! I know I will have to guard mine because everyone will want to wear it to see if it glows! I think we set a record in the number of emails back and forth getting everything worked out!! Please give Ray my regards for the very tasteful job done on the memorial.
Rachel Fluette...for our very own Anne Margaret. You picked a beautiful and stunning outfit, very becoming of the Anne! You should have worn it to the party minus the wig! I think you had that sexy wave down pat by the time we were done! You made the back of the float just perfect!
Barbara Agel...for the nice job on requisitioning Pleasant for the pre-banquet meet. I was plesantly (no pun) surprised at how nice it was in there. I would have loved to have gotten up to that balcony! And for keeping me in stitches with your stories of mowing lawns and bathrooms!! Glad we solved that "Gone to Pot" mystery!!!!
If I missed anyone, please forgive me, as I have tried to include all I can recall. I will be sending out a link to your emails sometime this week to pictures with more coming once I receive Anita's pictures. They will be posted online and in the class blog as well.
In a month (yep, I'm taking a break!) or so I will also start putting something out consistently to keep you all up to date on what is going on. The blog will be maintained as well.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Last Meeting Summary
The last online meeting was held May 26th. Many thanks to all who attended, it has been a pleasure working with all of you. We are pretty much on the way to getting everything put together for the float build. The only changes which were made, are that I will handle getting the lettering for the banners to give Anne more time to concentrate on her other things.
Again I want to remind everyone we need as many people as possible to help with the float at the beautiful home of Melissa and Gary Dube. I think it will be a good time had by all too!
Melissa and Gary's address is 15 Lynch Place, which is just off River Road between 12A and where Ainsworth Rd meets River Rd. If unable to find it, just listen for some 70s rock and roll...!!
Stats from reservations so far as received by Charlene indicate about 23 going to the Pleasant, and 14 so far to Casa De Sol. Unknown as to how many will be at the banquet table. I expect we will see many more just before the deadline. No matter how many come this year, we will all have a good time! If you haven't gotten your reservations in, NOW would be a good time to do it!
One last request, I just realized we should probably designate someone to officially be the weekend photographer who will take pictures from Friday at the float build till Saturday night at the Casa. I think we would like to see video as well as still shots. Anyone want to to take a stab at this?? For the video, I have a Flip video camera you can use if needed. The only other requirement is a decent digital camera and will enjoy the challenge of putting together our class story for the weekend.
I would like to take a second here to say I have enjoyed working this event and seeing things come together. It's been great hearing from and getting together with classmates who I haven't interacted with in a long time. It's wonderful to hear we have classmates coming from as far away as California, Nevada, etc! We'll have to see who comes the furthest!
Now....Let's all hope for great weather!! See you all in 14 days!
Again I want to remind everyone we need as many people as possible to help with the float at the beautiful home of Melissa and Gary Dube. I think it will be a good time had by all too!
Melissa and Gary's address is 15 Lynch Place, which is just off River Road between 12A and where Ainsworth Rd meets River Rd. If unable to find it, just listen for some 70s rock and roll...!!
Stats from reservations so far as received by Charlene indicate about 23 going to the Pleasant, and 14 so far to Casa De Sol. Unknown as to how many will be at the banquet table. I expect we will see many more just before the deadline. No matter how many come this year, we will all have a good time! If you haven't gotten your reservations in, NOW would be a good time to do it!
One last request, I just realized we should probably designate someone to officially be the weekend photographer who will take pictures from Friday at the float build till Saturday night at the Casa. I think we would like to see video as well as still shots. Anyone want to to take a stab at this?? For the video, I have a Flip video camera you can use if needed. The only other requirement is a decent digital camera and will enjoy the challenge of putting together our class story for the weekend.
I would like to take a second here to say I have enjoyed working this event and seeing things come together. It's been great hearing from and getting together with classmates who I haven't interacted with in a long time. It's wonderful to hear we have classmates coming from as far away as California, Nevada, etc! We'll have to see who comes the furthest!
Now....Let's all hope for great weather!! See you all in 14 days!
Monday, May 04, 2009
Hello all,
Thanks very much to all that attended tonight's meeting We had a good turnout and ended up having a fabulously good time reminiscing about our grade schools and other various points of interest of the downtown we once knew that have disappeared forever from the landscape. However, we all agreed. Hotel Winner was not to be missed!! I think we all kinda realize how fortunate we were in our childhoods to grow up there.
On the following meeting subjects we all agreed to
Banner wording-this is now official Anne!
2 vinyl banners of 15 feet long by 2 feet wide with a bluish background and lettering
"Class of '74, See me, Hear me....after 35 years we're still here!!
A smaller vinyl banner 4x6? to say
"Tommy-Pinball Wizard"
Melissa and Anne will be meeting with Ray tomorrow to finalize that and the memorial board as well.
Elton John Pants and Boots.
The pants will be worked on by Anita and John and Phil will see if a decent replica of the boots can be put together.
The B&M Baked Beans wording on the 6 barrels will be in the form of lettering provided by Ray
Paint for the pinball machine will be taken care of the day of the build
Helium for the 20 balloons will be provided by Melissa. If unable to do so, several other sources are available for this.
The Anne Margaret outfit will NOT fit Rachel in the size as offered. Rachel will be contacted by Phil to see if she can come up with an alternative on her own. A consignment or 2nd store may be the solution.
Funding is still holding steady at $900.00 which should be more than enough to cover expenses.
Responses from the class letter sent out by Charlene have been very slow. A lot of people will probably make decisions at the last minute. A small number of letters came back as undeliverable.
Next meeting will be held on May 26th same time same station.
Best to all, and good night.
Now......A little "Tommy" history link provided here for you viewing pleasure!!! Thanks to Anita for digging this up!
Thanks very much to all that attended tonight's meeting We had a good turnout and ended up having a fabulously good time reminiscing about our grade schools and other various points of interest of the downtown we once knew that have disappeared forever from the landscape. However, we all agreed. Hotel Winner was not to be missed!! I think we all kinda realize how fortunate we were in our childhoods to grow up there.
On the following meeting subjects we all agreed to
Banner wording-this is now official Anne!
2 vinyl banners of 15 feet long by 2 feet wide with a bluish background and lettering
"Class of '74, See me, Hear me....after 35 years we're still here!!
A smaller vinyl banner 4x6? to say
"Tommy-Pinball Wizard"
Melissa and Anne will be meeting with Ray tomorrow to finalize that and the memorial board as well.
Elton John Pants and Boots.
The pants will be worked on by Anita and John and Phil will see if a decent replica of the boots can be put together.
The B&M Baked Beans wording on the 6 barrels will be in the form of lettering provided by Ray
Paint for the pinball machine will be taken care of the day of the build
Helium for the 20 balloons will be provided by Melissa. If unable to do so, several other sources are available for this.
The Anne Margaret outfit will NOT fit Rachel in the size as offered. Rachel will be contacted by Phil to see if she can come up with an alternative on her own. A consignment or 2nd store may be the solution.
Funding is still holding steady at $900.00 which should be more than enough to cover expenses.
Responses from the class letter sent out by Charlene have been very slow. A lot of people will probably make decisions at the last minute. A small number of letters came back as undeliverable.
Next meeting will be held on May 26th same time same station.
Best to all, and good night.
Now......A little "Tommy" history link provided here for you viewing pleasure!!! Thanks to Anita for digging this up!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Reunion Planning Meeting 4-14-09
Hi everyone,
I want to thank everyone who made it tonight for the meeting. It was a productive meeting and we are on track to getting everything in place. Someday we will just have to have a fun-chatathon on that website! it is always nice chatting with you all!
Here is your summary of the meeting.
Alumni newsletter status:
Some people have received their copies and some haven't. Charlene will be following up on this issue. A lot of missing classmates still listed for our class. We should all make an effort to spread the word around and try and locate these classmates. They all have to be somewhere!! If you haven't gotten your alumni newsletter drop Charlene a line.
Class Mailing:
Charlene will be mailing out the class letter with all the details, forms and costs of the reunion in about a week. Let's hope we get a great response to it! Thank you Charlene for your work on this!
Elton John replacement:
Anita is still willing to do the part, but does not have the time to put together the whole costume due to family commitments. It was agreed everyone in this meeting will look for sources of EJ costume used in the movie Tommy. Needed most are the pants and boots.
T-Shirts and logo:
Anne will order the t-shirts. They will cost $12 each and can be paid for at the time you send back your funds and forms for the activities you plan to participate in for the reunion. The $12 is broken down as follows. $8 will to go to the shirt cost and $4 will go to the class fund. Anyone who will be on the float should plan to purchase the shirt so we will all be same. Anne will order assorted sizes which should cover just about everyone size-wise. It will be a really nice t-shirt with the Tommy logo ironed on. For an example, see the class blog. Nice Job Anne in working this for us!!
Float Banner and signage:
Anne and Melissa will handle the ordering of the banner along with Charlene. It will be with a tie-dye background banner with lettering. 2 banners will be needed with one to go on each side of the float in the manner of a skirt. The memorial sign will be on the front of the truck and be in black and red. Thank you ladies for taking this on.
Painting-bean barrels:
Jim Hanson has agreed to paint the barrels. We will only need 6 barrels for the float. Anne will also get a stencil with the word "Beans" on it. We will need to purchase paint for this project. Barrels should simulate the B&M brand of canned beans.
Pinball Machine:
John and Phil will meet this weekend and start planning of the pinball machine build.
Next meeting will be in 3 weeks. May 5th.
I want to thank everyone who made it tonight for the meeting. It was a productive meeting and we are on track to getting everything in place. Someday we will just have to have a fun-chatathon on that website! it is always nice chatting with you all!
Here is your summary of the meeting.
Alumni newsletter status:
Some people have received their copies and some haven't. Charlene will be following up on this issue. A lot of missing classmates still listed for our class. We should all make an effort to spread the word around and try and locate these classmates. They all have to be somewhere!! If you haven't gotten your alumni newsletter drop Charlene a line.
Class Mailing:
Charlene will be mailing out the class letter with all the details, forms and costs of the reunion in about a week. Let's hope we get a great response to it! Thank you Charlene for your work on this!
Elton John replacement:
Anita is still willing to do the part, but does not have the time to put together the whole costume due to family commitments. It was agreed everyone in this meeting will look for sources of EJ costume used in the movie Tommy. Needed most are the pants and boots.
T-Shirts and logo:
Anne will order the t-shirts. They will cost $12 each and can be paid for at the time you send back your funds and forms for the activities you plan to participate in for the reunion. The $12 is broken down as follows. $8 will to go to the shirt cost and $4 will go to the class fund. Anyone who will be on the float should plan to purchase the shirt so we will all be same. Anne will order assorted sizes which should cover just about everyone size-wise. It will be a really nice t-shirt with the Tommy logo ironed on. For an example, see the class blog. Nice Job Anne in working this for us!!
Float Banner and signage:
Anne and Melissa will handle the ordering of the banner along with Charlene. It will be with a tie-dye background banner with lettering. 2 banners will be needed with one to go on each side of the float in the manner of a skirt. The memorial sign will be on the front of the truck and be in black and red. Thank you ladies for taking this on.
Painting-bean barrels:
Jim Hanson has agreed to paint the barrels. We will only need 6 barrels for the float. Anne will also get a stencil with the word "Beans" on it. We will need to purchase paint for this project. Barrels should simulate the B&M brand of canned beans.
Pinball Machine:
John and Phil will meet this weekend and start planning of the pinball machine build.
Next meeting will be in 3 weeks. May 5th.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
March 31st Meeting Summary
Good afternoon everyone.
Here is your March 31st Meeting Report
Thank you all who attended last night. Here are the highlights:
Anne will talk with her cousin Roy about the cost of a plastic based banner for the float due to concerns paper may not hold up if rain occurs during the parade. Roy will also be asked to create a tasteful poster for the memorial poster on the front of the float. In regards to the float build, if it rains, Melissa said Norn has told her there is a place up the road from her house we can use.
Suggested wording for the banner "Class of '74, See me, Hear me....I'm still here!! We should probably throw in "The Musical Tommy" somewhere. We will hear back from Anne at the next meeting on the banner(s) and memorial. We believe as of now per the survey, we will have somewhere around 15-20 people in all to help with the float build. If not we will be looking for you to recruit spouses and friends!
Bean Barrels:
We will need to pick up red, blue and brown paint. Phil will check with Jim to see if he will be willing to apply the paint to the barrels as he has the barrels. It was also suggested we create labels saying "beans" instead of painting. The barrels will need to have the same look as a can of B&M beans. We will need to know what color the barrels are currently, we may not have to paint if the barrels can be labeled. This will hopefully be cleared up by the next meeting. Additionally helium will be used for the Mylar balloons which be taken care of by Charlene.
We revisited the t-shirt topic. Anne has researched the t-shirt question a bit and has come up with a possible solution in where we could order a batch with the same color scheme for a fairly low price. However the issue of sizing and number of shirts needed came up which would need to be resolved before deciding on making the purchase. A logo has been created which was also brought up by Ann with the possibility of creating a iron-on of this logo which could be applied to the shirts. She will research this a little more on pricing and how the logos can be transfered to the shirts. We really need to determine just how many people are going to be on the float and who they are so maybe we can get sizes figured out. Maybe we could order extra shirts in XL to have available for any last minute class mates who want to jump on the float.
Charlene said there was about $850 in the class funds as of now. I believe we can get all we need to get for the float, signage, shirts, paint, beverages for the float build for somewhere in the $300 plus dollar range. John and Phil will pay for the materials for the pinball machine out of their pockets. Charlene said we should have enough to do this even with mailing and dues expenses. It was also decided to donate $50 to the golf tournament which is a new event being held this year to raise funds for the alumni association.
Again if you have not donated to the class fund, please do so, We are asking for $50 from each classmate to cover the expenses of your class dues of $10 and the remaining $40 for the float and other expenses as they arise. if you haven't done so, Please make out a check and to "Class of 1974" and mail to PO Box 81, North Hartland, VT 05052, Care of Charlene Reynolds.
Safety Rail:
This was skipped as we can decide on this relatively quickly at the time we build the float
Meeting Day:
After a short discussion, it was decided the meeting night will remain unchanged as everyone seemed fine with the night and time. So no survey will be put out for this.
Anne Margaret Character:
A volunteer has been found for this charactor. Rachel Raymond contacted me and said if nobody else wants the part, she will do it. She will NOT be required to swim in a pool filled with beans as John was hoping.....;-)
A 50/50 raffle was suggested , but thought the better of, as the thinking was a permit needs to be secured for a raffle. Also John asked if his gas expense could be covered for the generator. He figured about 5-10 gallons. Phil will take care of this.
Meeting adjourned at 9pm, a good time was had by all and some very good perspectives were brought up. We have some smart cookies here in our class!! I thank everyone again for being there and hope to see you all at the next meeting which will be held April 14th at 7pm.
Here is your March 31st Meeting Report
Thank you all who attended last night. Here are the highlights:
Anne will talk with her cousin Roy about the cost of a plastic based banner for the float due to concerns paper may not hold up if rain occurs during the parade. Roy will also be asked to create a tasteful poster for the memorial poster on the front of the float. In regards to the float build, if it rains, Melissa said Norn has told her there is a place up the road from her house we can use.
Suggested wording for the banner "Class of '74, See me, Hear me....I'm still here!! We should probably throw in "The Musical Tommy" somewhere. We will hear back from Anne at the next meeting on the banner(s) and memorial. We believe as of now per the survey, we will have somewhere around 15-20 people in all to help with the float build. If not we will be looking for you to recruit spouses and friends!
Bean Barrels:
We will need to pick up red, blue and brown paint. Phil will check with Jim to see if he will be willing to apply the paint to the barrels as he has the barrels. It was also suggested we create labels saying "beans" instead of painting. The barrels will need to have the same look as a can of B&M beans. We will need to know what color the barrels are currently, we may not have to paint if the barrels can be labeled. This will hopefully be cleared up by the next meeting. Additionally helium will be used for the Mylar balloons which be taken care of by Charlene.
We revisited the t-shirt topic. Anne has researched the t-shirt question a bit and has come up with a possible solution in where we could order a batch with the same color scheme for a fairly low price. However the issue of sizing and number of shirts needed came up which would need to be resolved before deciding on making the purchase. A logo has been created which was also brought up by Ann with the possibility of creating a iron-on of this logo which could be applied to the shirts. She will research this a little more on pricing and how the logos can be transfered to the shirts. We really need to determine just how many people are going to be on the float and who they are so maybe we can get sizes figured out. Maybe we could order extra shirts in XL to have available for any last minute class mates who want to jump on the float.
Charlene said there was about $850 in the class funds as of now. I believe we can get all we need to get for the float, signage, shirts, paint, beverages for the float build for somewhere in the $300 plus dollar range. John and Phil will pay for the materials for the pinball machine out of their pockets. Charlene said we should have enough to do this even with mailing and dues expenses. It was also decided to donate $50 to the golf tournament which is a new event being held this year to raise funds for the alumni association.
Again if you have not donated to the class fund, please do so, We are asking for $50 from each classmate to cover the expenses of your class dues of $10 and the remaining $40 for the float and other expenses as they arise. if you haven't done so, Please make out a check and to "Class of 1974" and mail to PO Box 81, North Hartland, VT 05052, Care of Charlene Reynolds.
Safety Rail:
This was skipped as we can decide on this relatively quickly at the time we build the float
Meeting Day:
After a short discussion, it was decided the meeting night will remain unchanged as everyone seemed fine with the night and time. So no survey will be put out for this.
Anne Margaret Character:
A volunteer has been found for this charactor. Rachel Raymond contacted me and said if nobody else wants the part, she will do it. She will NOT be required to swim in a pool filled with beans as John was hoping.....;-)
A 50/50 raffle was suggested , but thought the better of, as the thinking was a permit needs to be secured for a raffle. Also John asked if his gas expense could be covered for the generator. He figured about 5-10 gallons. Phil will take care of this.
Meeting adjourned at 9pm, a good time was had by all and some very good perspectives were brought up. We have some smart cookies here in our class!! I thank everyone again for being there and hope to see you all at the next meeting which will be held April 14th at 7pm.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Sumary Meeting 7 March 10 2009

Meeting Summary:
Hi Everyone,
Meeting 7 was attended by 6 hardy souls with a surprise appearance direct from Hollywood by Garth!...
We discussed the following. was decided due to the unknown final count or persons on the float, expense of printing, and sizing, it will be easier for all who will be on the float to just tie dye their own T-shirts. The colors ideally should be blue and white with no logos or printing. Other colors are ok if you already have one in your possession...which probably includes everyone..!
We also worked over a plan for signage for the float. Garth has agreed to donate a roll of poster paper 5 feet in width and hundreds of feet long. Anne will check her Brother? (hope I got that right Anne) Ray and see if any other options exist for signage at his place of business. It was also agreed to limit the number of persons being used as props on the float, We agreed an Elton John, and hopefully an Anne Margaret if a suitable redhead can be found. Red wigs anyone?
Anita has volunteered to be our "Elton John" ...This we gotta see.....! What the heck, our class always marched to a different drummer, so a female Elton John we shall have! We know she will do a great impersonation! The pinball machine will remain to be the main focus of the float.
We have the preliminary plan A to build the float at the Dubes. But in the event of rain, we have a option B being worked on by Anne to possibly get the Old Dean Hill Motors to do the build in. Another option was discussed until it was determined the place in mind has been turned into a ice cream parlor.......the conversation momentarily then turned into lustful thoughts for ice cream being bandied about...
The float build probably should be started no later than early afternoon on Friday, so some of us are going to have to skip work that day! I would like to suggest that everyone who can be there to show up around noon or so. If anyone thinks this is too early or too late based on your experience with float building, please let me know! This is a first time for me. We will try to make sure the pinball machine is built so it can be put together quickly.
John and I will bring up all the materials for the sound, scaffolding and pinball machine in the morning to be parked at the Dubes and ready to install. It was also asked if we could get beverages to be provided for refreshments during or after the build. l will inquire with Charlene if class funds can be used for this purpose. John and myself will also be up sometime in mid-late May to check out the actual or a similar trailer and take measurements. We will coordinate with Melissa and Norm Webb on making this arrangement.
The meeting concluded in record time at 8pm. The next meeting will be held on March 31st to give everyone a breather before the stretch run,
I have included the results of the survey below. As of today this is what we have for a head count for each of the activities. With spouses or friends added, we are probably looking at 30 plus committed altogether for most every event. I am sure we will see these numbers increase as we get closer to the weekend.
Survey Results
Friday float build at Melissa's-18
Saturday parade on the float-21
The Pleasant Pre -banquet cocktails-17
Banquet Dinner-12
After Banquet dinner party-16
Bringing a spouse or friend?-16
Last but not least....has anyone seen what they have done with the Pleasant Restaurant? It appears they have added a porch/patio on their 2nd floor overlooking Pleasant Street. Looks pretty nice!!

May you all have a great St Patrick's Day and see you all in 3 weeks here.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Summary-Meeting of Feb 24th
Hello all,
The 6th online meeting was held tonight with 12 attending. In between trying to keep the ladies from yakking, (sorry I spoiled your fun ladies!,) a good number of things were accomplished..
We are all set with the props we will be utilizing for the float, Jim Hansen has offered to look for blue rotating or strobe lights and a couple more 50 gallon barrels for the beans. The pinball machine will be built at Phil's place in Merrimack sometime in May. All of you are welcome to come down and hack away on it! On the Friday evening of the parade Melissa has volunteered her place for the class to put the final version of the float together.
Charlene stated the newsletter from the alumni association should be out soon and will hopefully have an updated list on who in the class is still missing. As of now, we have 197 current addresses for our classmates. It is unknown at the moment when the mailing announcing the class reunion events will be sent out. Charlene also will be taking care of the silver Mylar balloons. John, we need to know if they will be floating balloons or attached to the float??
The subject of t-shirts came up for the Tommy theme. It was decided Anita will work on this with assistance from Anne to come up with a cost and vendor to create the shirts. The specific style was determined to be light blue tie dye bleached with the the words 35th Reunion and "We Won't Be Fooled Again" on them. Anita will get back to us at the next meeting on the cost of this. Joe's suggestion of the words "See Me Feel Me" unfortunately were rejected as being just a "little" too risque' for the old town!
We also had a discussion class dues and the donations made thus far. A number of us as well as I, were under the impression the alumni dues and class dues were combined when in fact they are separate. It was also found after all these years our class dues have never really been set at a certain dollar amount. After a discussion, a vote was taken and $10 was the cost chosen for the class dues to be paid yearly from now on. This will be on top of the $10 alumni dues if you wish to continue to be a member of the alumni association and Charlene reminds us that $10 alumni due has to be paid before you can attend the dinner.
Someone asked a question about the $50 donations that were collected over the month of January and I want to clarify this. The goal of the $50 donations we sent over January was to build up the class funds as we were scraping the bottom of the barrel so to speak to cover anticipated reunion expenses such as materials, mailings, entertainment, etc.
From what I understand, the money in class funds are not really intended to subsidize the cost of class events and are usually used for class reunion expenses (see above) and for donations to alumni scholarships funds. I could however see if we ever grow the class funds enough, we could use the funds to subsidize or even pay in full for a class event in future years. We can talk about this more at this year's reunion. Without those donations we put in this year, our options would be severely limited if something unforeseen pops up between now and the reunion, and you can almost bet Mr Murphy is going to pop up somewhere!
I would like to suggest since the idea of the class dues for this year kind of came up in a untimely manner, that we work in the $10 class dues later in the year in a separate mailing using something such as a postcard. Thoughts??
So it will still be around $84 dollars a couple if you choose to attend all 3 events plus whatever additional you want to spend at the cash bar. Still all in all, a pretty good deal all around.
Keep in mind, nobody is under any obligation to attend all 3 class events. We went with 3 events so people have a choice of attending all 3 or just 1 or 2 depending on their budgets, schedules and type of events they like to attend. I hope this clarifies everything, if not please drop me a line.
I would be remiss if I didn't shill once again we need to keep growing the class funds. If $50 is not doable, send in what you can, every bit helps, seriously! If you have not had a opportunity to contribute, please.... take a few moments write out a check and send it in.
Thank you everyone that attended tonight, it was a great time and I apologize if it went longer than expected. I know the ladies didn't mind!....
Next meeting Tuesday, March 10th at 7pm...and yes SPRING will be almost here too! I will see you all next time.
PS.......seriously....$119 for a SHS yearbook on EBay????? way!
PSS...Reminder to all, try to take in the movie Tommy sometime in the next 2 weeks. They are on periodically on VH1 and the likes. You can also watch a lot of the scenes from the movie on YouTube, and Google videos.
The 6th online meeting was held tonight with 12 attending. In between trying to keep the ladies from yakking, (sorry I spoiled your fun ladies!,) a good number of things were accomplished..
We are all set with the props we will be utilizing for the float, Jim Hansen has offered to look for blue rotating or strobe lights and a couple more 50 gallon barrels for the beans. The pinball machine will be built at Phil's place in Merrimack sometime in May. All of you are welcome to come down and hack away on it! On the Friday evening of the parade Melissa has volunteered her place for the class to put the final version of the float together.
Charlene stated the newsletter from the alumni association should be out soon and will hopefully have an updated list on who in the class is still missing. As of now, we have 197 current addresses for our classmates. It is unknown at the moment when the mailing announcing the class reunion events will be sent out. Charlene also will be taking care of the silver Mylar balloons. John, we need to know if they will be floating balloons or attached to the float??
The subject of t-shirts came up for the Tommy theme. It was decided Anita will work on this with assistance from Anne to come up with a cost and vendor to create the shirts. The specific style was determined to be light blue tie dye bleached with the the words 35th Reunion and "We Won't Be Fooled Again" on them. Anita will get back to us at the next meeting on the cost of this. Joe's suggestion of the words "See Me Feel Me" unfortunately were rejected as being just a "little" too risque' for the old town!
We also had a discussion class dues and the donations made thus far. A number of us as well as I, were under the impression the alumni dues and class dues were combined when in fact they are separate. It was also found after all these years our class dues have never really been set at a certain dollar amount. After a discussion, a vote was taken and $10 was the cost chosen for the class dues to be paid yearly from now on. This will be on top of the $10 alumni dues if you wish to continue to be a member of the alumni association and Charlene reminds us that $10 alumni due has to be paid before you can attend the dinner.
Someone asked a question about the $50 donations that were collected over the month of January and I want to clarify this. The goal of the $50 donations we sent over January was to build up the class funds as we were scraping the bottom of the barrel so to speak to cover anticipated reunion expenses such as materials, mailings, entertainment, etc.
From what I understand, the money in class funds are not really intended to subsidize the cost of class events and are usually used for class reunion expenses (see above) and for donations to alumni scholarships funds. I could however see if we ever grow the class funds enough, we could use the funds to subsidize or even pay in full for a class event in future years. We can talk about this more at this year's reunion. Without those donations we put in this year, our options would be severely limited if something unforeseen pops up between now and the reunion, and you can almost bet Mr Murphy is going to pop up somewhere!
I would like to suggest since the idea of the class dues for this year kind of came up in a untimely manner, that we work in the $10 class dues later in the year in a separate mailing using something such as a postcard. Thoughts??
So it will still be around $84 dollars a couple if you choose to attend all 3 events plus whatever additional you want to spend at the cash bar. Still all in all, a pretty good deal all around.
Keep in mind, nobody is under any obligation to attend all 3 class events. We went with 3 events so people have a choice of attending all 3 or just 1 or 2 depending on their budgets, schedules and type of events they like to attend. I hope this clarifies everything, if not please drop me a line.
I would be remiss if I didn't shill once again we need to keep growing the class funds. If $50 is not doable, send in what you can, every bit helps, seriously! If you have not had a opportunity to contribute, please.... take a few moments write out a check and send it in.
Thank you everyone that attended tonight, it was a great time and I apologize if it went longer than expected. I know the ladies didn't mind!....
Next meeting Tuesday, March 10th at 7pm...and yes SPRING will be almost here too! I will see you all next time.
PS.......seriously....$119 for a SHS yearbook on EBay????? way!
PSS...Reminder to all, try to take in the movie Tommy sometime in the next 2 weeks. They are on periodically on VH1 and the likes. You can also watch a lot of the scenes from the movie on YouTube, and Google videos.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Original Float design
Minor staging change in float
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Summary Feb 17th Meeting
Summary of meeting Feb 17th
We had 7 people attend tonight's meeting, thanks to all for your participation and a lively conversation!
The 3 venues are all set price wise. It appears we will have space set aside for us in each place.
4pm -6pm The Pleasant I understand from Barb will come in at around $7.00 dollars a person (Includes pre-dinner snacks)
6:30pm-8:30pm Banquet at the high school will come in at around $22.00 a person. Includes full course meal and dessert.
9:00pm-12:30am at the Casa De Sol will come in at $13.00 a person (includes Vt tax, gratuity and plenty of snacks-space fee was waived)
So we are looking at around $84.00 a couple if they wish to attend all 3 functions. It is possible this figure might change slightly between now and May, but I think we are pretty much in the ballpark. Nevertheless, still pretty good deal.
Cash bar will be available at the Pleasant and the Casa De Sol
Melissa will make up some nice posters to welcome our classmates at each venue, and someone will hopefully get ahold of some black and red balloons to include as well. We will probably also need someone to staff the entrances and hand out the visitor tags and register people as they arrive. This can be planned out in May.
The float was discussed and a drawing of the float is now available and will be included in this email as some people apparently did not receive it. I will also post the picture of the drawing on the class blog as well.
Melissa will take care of the following props for the float, drumset, guitars and desks. John will provide all sound and a barrel for the beans, plus all staging setup. Also a job well done on the drawing of the float. Anita is looking into ordering Silver Myler for the Ann Margaret mirror prop, Thank you greatly to all three of you for your help here.
We are going to be looking for the Ann Margaret ;-) Anyone dare to invite her??? Garth???????? how about those LA connections of yours! If not we have a possible plan "B" Ann Margaret...;-)
Lastly but not least, we all agreed we need to watch the movie "Tommy" next week to get a better idea what we are representing in our float! Some of us haven't seen it in a long time and some not at all. We should all try to at least watch it if we can.
Next meeting will be next Tuesday at 7PM to wrap up planning for the float. We also hope to hear from Charlene about the details regarding the mailing for the rest of the class and if any assistance is needed on finding people and putting out the invitation letter, etc. If anyone else has anything they want to bring to the table next week, please let me know and I'll include it in the agenda.
Till next week, best to you all.
We had 7 people attend tonight's meeting, thanks to all for your participation and a lively conversation!
The 3 venues are all set price wise. It appears we will have space set aside for us in each place.
4pm -6pm The Pleasant I understand from Barb will come in at around $7.00 dollars a person (Includes pre-dinner snacks)
6:30pm-8:30pm Banquet at the high school will come in at around $22.00 a person. Includes full course meal and dessert.
9:00pm-12:30am at the Casa De Sol will come in at $13.00 a person (includes Vt tax, gratuity and plenty of snacks-space fee was waived)
So we are looking at around $84.00 a couple if they wish to attend all 3 functions. It is possible this figure might change slightly between now and May, but I think we are pretty much in the ballpark. Nevertheless, still pretty good deal.
Cash bar will be available at the Pleasant and the Casa De Sol
Melissa will make up some nice posters to welcome our classmates at each venue, and someone will hopefully get ahold of some black and red balloons to include as well. We will probably also need someone to staff the entrances and hand out the visitor tags and register people as they arrive. This can be planned out in May.
The float was discussed and a drawing of the float is now available and will be included in this email as some people apparently did not receive it. I will also post the picture of the drawing on the class blog as well.
Melissa will take care of the following props for the float, drumset, guitars and desks. John will provide all sound and a barrel for the beans, plus all staging setup. Also a job well done on the drawing of the float. Anita is looking into ordering Silver Myler for the Ann Margaret mirror prop, Thank you greatly to all three of you for your help here.
We are going to be looking for the Ann Margaret ;-) Anyone dare to invite her??? Garth???????? how about those LA connections of yours! If not we have a possible plan "B" Ann Margaret...;-)
Lastly but not least, we all agreed we need to watch the movie "Tommy" next week to get a better idea what we are representing in our float! Some of us haven't seen it in a long time and some not at all. We should all try to at least watch it if we can.
Next meeting will be next Tuesday at 7PM to wrap up planning for the float. We also hope to hear from Charlene about the details regarding the mailing for the rest of the class and if any assistance is needed on finding people and putting out the invitation letter, etc. If anyone else has anything they want to bring to the table next week, please let me know and I'll include it in the agenda.
Till next week, best to you all.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Summary of Meeting Feb 3rd
The 4th reunion planning meeting was held tonight with 10 attending, heck even Garth was there! Thanks to all who attended!
The following was decided:
The Pleasant was the choice for the 4-6 before banquet function, Barb will get the final numbers and make the reservation.
The after banquet party choice is the Casa De Sol in Ascutney who are willing to make their facilities available from 9pm-12:30. That choice is pending on Phil working with Rachel to try to lower the cost as we do not need a lot of food having come from a banquet. So we will try to negotiate this down a little. John will be able to provide sound for background and possibly dancing. The music can provided by anyone who desires to bring in their favorites or John can provide that as well.
Phil and Barb will try to have final numbers for each venue by the end of next week.
The next online meeting will be held on Feb 17th at 7pm. Same time, same station.
The following was decided:
The Pleasant was the choice for the 4-6 before banquet function, Barb will get the final numbers and make the reservation.
The after banquet party choice is the Casa De Sol in Ascutney who are willing to make their facilities available from 9pm-12:30. That choice is pending on Phil working with Rachel to try to lower the cost as we do not need a lot of food having come from a banquet. So we will try to negotiate this down a little. John will be able to provide sound for background and possibly dancing. The music can provided by anyone who desires to bring in their favorites or John can provide that as well.
Phil and Barb will try to have final numbers for each venue by the end of next week.
The next online meeting will be held on Feb 17th at 7pm. Same time, same station.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Funding Appeal
Hi Everyone,
I am again appealing in behalf of the class for all those who have not had a chance in your busy lives to send a check to the class fund. We have done well with the first appeal with over $500 in donation to date. But more funds are needed to make sure we have enough to cover all the plans we are making for this year's reunion and to begin continuing funding for the 40th.
If you have not done so, please take a minute to write out a check for $50 to match the original $50 per person donations we started with.
The address again is
PO Box 81
North Hartland, VT 05052
Care of Charlene Reynolds
Make your check out to "SHS Class of 1974"
Thank you again for all who have donated to date and we hope to see many of you this June!
I am again appealing in behalf of the class for all those who have not had a chance in your busy lives to send a check to the class fund. We have done well with the first appeal with over $500 in donation to date. But more funds are needed to make sure we have enough to cover all the plans we are making for this year's reunion and to begin continuing funding for the 40th.
If you have not done so, please take a minute to write out a check for $50 to match the original $50 per person donations we started with.
The address again is
PO Box 81
North Hartland, VT 05052
Care of Charlene Reynolds
Make your check out to "SHS Class of 1974"
Thank you again for all who have donated to date and we hope to see many of you this June!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Jan 27th Reunion Planning Meeting Summary
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick summary of the meeting held last night. We had a good turnout of 10 people online with others joining in as we went along. The web site held up well although some people had challenges using this kind of chat format and some had internet connection issues. All in all, things went smoothly and the debate was good and lively. We have decided more research was needed to get the kind of place we would all be happy with.
A proposal was brought out to have a meet and greet cocktails and snacks function from 4pm-6pm before the banquet. If you were headed to the banquet at 6, you could either walk to the banquet or drive from there whatever the preference. This was voted in and as of now Barbara is researching pricing for Sophies and The Pleasant for this. Another choice to be considered was the Imperial Dragon. Brickers was given a glancing nod and rejected as not quite the place for this..
We are going to have a table at the banquet with at least 20+ committed. If anyone else is interested, please let Charlene know.
For after Banquet activity, we have several choices. The Imperial, and a couple of more recent additions, the VFW in Charlestown and Casa De Sol in Ascutney (The old Top Hat). We are still waiting for numbers on the Casa. The VFW quoted $300 for rental and cleanup and they provide all tables and chairs. The Imperial emerged as another option for this time slot as well.
I was requested to put up a survey on the class blog so everyone can pick where they would like to go from 4-6 and for after the banquet. This will give us an idea what we need to focus on. I will let you all know when I have done this. Definitely within the next day or so.
Lastly the trailer for the float is all set and we will also have a driver who be charging us. Thank you! We will not put Melissa in the cab after all!
Phil will be getting together with John Irish in the near future to go over the pinball machine plans and sharing with all of you what they come up with and looking for input from all of you.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send Charlene or Phil an email.
Just a quick summary of the meeting held last night. We had a good turnout of 10 people online with others joining in as we went along. The web site held up well although some people had challenges using this kind of chat format and some had internet connection issues. All in all, things went smoothly and the debate was good and lively. We have decided more research was needed to get the kind of place we would all be happy with.
A proposal was brought out to have a meet and greet cocktails and snacks function from 4pm-6pm before the banquet. If you were headed to the banquet at 6, you could either walk to the banquet or drive from there whatever the preference. This was voted in and as of now Barbara is researching pricing for Sophies and The Pleasant for this. Another choice to be considered was the Imperial Dragon. Brickers was given a glancing nod and rejected as not quite the place for this..
We are going to have a table at the banquet with at least 20+ committed. If anyone else is interested, please let Charlene know.
For after Banquet activity, we have several choices. The Imperial, and a couple of more recent additions, the VFW in Charlestown and Casa De Sol in Ascutney (The old Top Hat). We are still waiting for numbers on the Casa. The VFW quoted $300 for rental and cleanup and they provide all tables and chairs. The Imperial emerged as another option for this time slot as well.
I was requested to put up a survey on the class blog so everyone can pick where they would like to go from 4-6 and for after the banquet. This will give us an idea what we need to focus on. I will let you all know when I have done this. Definitely within the next day or so.
Lastly the trailer for the float is all set and we will also have a driver who be charging us. Thank you! We will not put Melissa in the cab after all!
Phil will be getting together with John Irish in the near future to go over the pinball machine plans and sharing with all of you what they come up with and looking for input from all of you.
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to send Charlene or Phil an email.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Summary of Meeting of Jan 20th
Just to summarize what we decided on last night and what is left to do.
Banquet - Yes we will have a table
Charlene will let us know the prices, the menu and when
Float Theme - "Tommy"
John Irish and Phil will build the pinball machine
Deb will check on trailer truck availability from LaValley
Someone mentioned silver balloons to resemble pinballs, who can take this?
We will wear 70s clothing
And John mentioned doing something else with 4x8 sheets of plywood
John will provide all sound
Anita will be our official photographer
Evening event:
Still looking for a venue
Barb is looking into Sophies and the Conference center
Phil has a request into Chase House in Cornish to see what availability and pricing they have
Ann Hulse has also come up with another option that being Bubba's in Newbury Harbor, they are willing to host us. Anne is still waiting on the owner to get back to her on a definite availability and cost. We would definitely have to pay for your own spirits. This will all depend on if folks feel like traveling, and we can put this up to a vote if it actually becomes an option. It's about 19 miles to there from Claremont. Nice pretty location is a plus.
We hopefully will come up with another additional venue choice before the next meeting on Tuesday.
Again thanks for all who were there last night and hope the ones who could get in can join us next Tuesday. That being said, I want to put it out there, are Tuesdays at 7 good for all of you? If there is another day that would be better for everyone so more can attend, please let me know and we can change it up if needed. If Tues is fine, which it seems to be judging from the turnout we had, we'll stick with it.
The enthusiasm was just great last night, I hope we can keep it going straight through to June!!
Banquet - Yes we will have a table
Charlene will let us know the prices, the menu and when
Float Theme - "Tommy"
John Irish and Phil will build the pinball machine
Deb will check on trailer truck availability from LaValley
Someone mentioned silver balloons to resemble pinballs, who can take this?
We will wear 70s clothing
And John mentioned doing something else with 4x8 sheets of plywood
John will provide all sound
Anita will be our official photographer
Evening event:
Still looking for a venue
Barb is looking into Sophies and the Conference center
Phil has a request into Chase House in Cornish to see what availability and pricing they have
Ann Hulse has also come up with another option that being Bubba's in Newbury Harbor, they are willing to host us. Anne is still waiting on the owner to get back to her on a definite availability and cost. We would definitely have to pay for your own spirits. This will all depend on if folks feel like traveling, and we can put this up to a vote if it actually becomes an option. It's about 19 miles to there from Claremont. Nice pretty location is a plus.
We hopefully will come up with another additional venue choice before the next meeting on Tuesday.
Again thanks for all who were there last night and hope the ones who could get in can join us next Tuesday. That being said, I want to put it out there, are Tuesdays at 7 good for all of you? If there is another day that would be better for everyone so more can attend, please let me know and we can change it up if needed. If Tues is fine, which it seems to be judging from the turnout we had, we'll stick with it.
The enthusiasm was just great last night, I hope we can keep it going straight through to June!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Jan 13 meeting results
As a result of the meeting attended by Charlene, Deb, Phil and Anita, so far, the feeling is to attend the alumni banquet and then do a class event either after the banquet or on Sunday. To have a class event involves a location and all the things that go with it. The parade theme is movie musicals. Discussion has come for the Wizard of Oz; however, we have done that theme once, won a trophy for it-why do it again? There are several musicals from 1956 (when most of us were born) and many other musicals that could be done which would be less involved. People want to ride on the float, not walk the parade route (which is what we did in 2004) and it needs to be a movie that can go together easy. Regardless, this is my opinion and whatever is decided is what will happen BUT class members will have to step up to complete the float and make the group function a reality. I will take care of the paperwork and get the information out to the class members.
So, if you want a reunion on June 13, 2009 that YOU need to step up to the plate and get involved. If you want to live with the decisions that are made; then look for the information later in the spring. Your last chance (from my participation) is 1/20/09 starting at 7 PM on I hope to “see” you there!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Update on Class Fund
I want to thank the following who contacted me to inform me of their donations or commitment to donate. If I have forgotten anyone or someone has donated, but not gotten back to me, please don't hesitate to say something! If you haven't donated, please take a minute to write out a check to the address in the post below for whatever you can. The more funds we have, the merrier of a time we can have.
In addition, Charlotte is holding a planning meeting at 7:30 pm (1/13) tomorrow night on If you wish to join in, register or sign in with classmates and on the meeting night go click on "reunions and events" tab and then just click on event or meeting name and you should be connected.
Donation List to date
Anita Schmidt
Garth Bacon
Sandy Demars
Karen Heller
Alan Rozwadowski
Pam Matheis
Deb Beaulieu
Phil Winans
Additional Donation.
John Irish has offered to provide and handle all the gear for sound and audio. It sounds like we have a few more options for entertainment now! Thank you John!
I will post again soon with more info as we move along.
In addition, Charlotte is holding a planning meeting at 7:30 pm (1/13) tomorrow night on If you wish to join in, register or sign in with classmates and on the meeting night go click on "reunions and events" tab and then just click on event or meeting name and you should be connected.
Donation List to date
Anita Schmidt
Garth Bacon
Sandy Demars
Karen Heller
Alan Rozwadowski
Pam Matheis
Deb Beaulieu
Phil Winans
Additional Donation.
John Irish has offered to provide and handle all the gear for sound and audio. It sounds like we have a few more options for entertainment now! Thank you John!
I will post again soon with more info as we move along.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Donation address
Please Send all donations to the care of Charlene Reynolds at the following address:
PO Box 81; North Hartland, VT 05052. Checks should be to SHS Class of 1974.
Thank you for all who have responded with pledges! -Phil
PO Box 81; North Hartland, VT 05052. Checks should be to SHS Class of 1974.
Thank you for all who have responded with pledges! -Phil
Wake up Class of 74
Hi everyone, I am submitting this from Anita, -Phil
Wake up sleepyheads!! 35 years have passed since you fell asleep in English class!! Time to plan our reunion. That said, are you even interested? PLEASE take a moment and let us know what you are thinking.
Wake up sleepyheads!! 35 years have passed since you fell asleep in English class!! Time to plan our reunion. That said, are you even interested? PLEASE take a moment and let us know what you are thinking.
A discussion was held on the 6th of January and there were four of us there. Phil , Charlene, Anita, and Elaine. Our class funds are low, at about $190.00 , not much to get anything accomplished. Phil graciously agreed to get things started with a Fifty dollar donation. Anita stepped up to the plate and matched it. The challenge is on to get the funds back in the coffers. Any donation would be greatly appreciated.
Here are some of the ideas that were discussed.
1. Attend the banquet and dance at the Moose that follows.
2. Rent a private hall and have music and food.
3. Attend the banquet and meet at a gracious classmates home for nibbles and drinks.. Any gracious classmates out there??
We are running out of time to secure a place so we need your imput by the first of February.
How much can you contribute?
What is your choice for the weekend plans?
What does your budget allow for the plans that are made?
Thank you for your continued support.
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