Saturday, June 14, 2008

Comments, Ideas, Thoughts Start here!

Here's where the main body will lie for comments, ideas and thoughts on what we should do for a class get together. Just click on the headline to see all comments and add your own.


Unknown said...

Hi everyone! Where the heck has the time gone?! Hope you are all well and "enjoying" the summer, in between the raindrops!

Should we have a meeting this fall to toss ideas around for the float and reunion?

I was thinking about the funds needed to pay for our reunion events. Charlene, do we know how much we need, roughly and reasonably? And how do folks feel about simply donating $25/$50/whatever instead of trying to fundraise. Everyone is so busy nowadays, and we are spread out all over the country. Just wondering.....

Take care!

Sandi Demars Brown

Moderator - Phil said...

I like the donation idea Sandy, we need to start somewhere!! Keep your thoughts coming! Hope you are well. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Since everyone is so spread out, could we use this blog as a sounding board rather than trying to hold a meeting? This way, we could respond at our own convenience . I , for one, wonder what is so bad about attending the banquet and dance afterwards? Isn't liquor sold at the Moose? Just a thought to make it easier on everyone! Not to mention supporting the Alumni association. Being in Las Vegas for the past 28 years has brought a much deeper appreciation for the small town values. People can't believe it when I describe our reunions. Let's make this one memorable as well. Anita Schmitt Delaney

muriel sts said...

Hi everyone!

Donating money sounds
better than fundraising.
I went to the Alumni banquet in 2006 and there's very little time for socializing. They give out
awards and make speeches.It was too
much like a business meeting. The food was good and I enjoyed the company at our table. They seat people from the individual classes
together. It would be great if they
they had a social hour before or after the dinner so classmates
could mingle more.
I guess that this is where the Moose comes in.
If we could get tables assigned to our class at the Moose for dancing
and drinks that would be great!
I've never been to the Moose Hall
Alumni event (Dancing and drinks). What is it like? I heard that the
band was pretty good this year.

The senior center was nice in 2004
but seemed too large for the amount
of classmates that attended. Climbing 3 flights of stairs at
the Odd Fellows sounds dreadful.
At least the Senior center has
a great kitchen, tables, chairs,
A/C and a great place to dance. It provides a great atmosphere!
We could rent it and have a Pot
luck Dessert and snack party after
we attend the banquet. Without
much money it would be difficult
to pay for the hall, and DJ etc.
The bartender was provided by the
senior center and it wasn't that
costly since it wasn't an open
I thought that a Sunapee Cruise
would be enjoyable if you could
guarantee the weather to be nice.
With the Parade, the Luncheon and
Banquet it doesn't leave much time
in between to do anything.
8:30 seems so late
to start something. Maybe the Moose
would be the cheapest thing to do.

Keep in touch!

Muiel Anne St.Sauveur Hulse